刘长洪 研究员
北京 100084
个人简历 |
学习经历: |
1988年 |
清华大学材料科学学士学位 |
1992年 |
清华大学物理硕士学位 |
1995年 |
清华大学材料物理博士学位 |
工作经历: |
1988-1990 |
北京仪器厂 |
助理工程师 |
1995-1997 |
清华大学物理系 |
讲师 |
1997-2006 |
清华大学物理系 |
副教授 |
2006-今 |
清华大学物理系 |
研究员 |
2007-今 |
清华大学物理系 |
博士生导师 |
短期访问: |
2000.8-2001.7 |
Research Associate |
美国西北大学 |
2002.2-2003.2 |
研究员(Research Fellow) |
香港城市大学研究员 |
教学 |
在清华大学教授过的主要课程: 大学本科“固体物理实验” 大学本科“普通物理实验” |
研究领域 |
主要从事凝聚态物理实验研究。每年招收博士研究生1-2人。 目前研究兴趣主要有: 1.低维材料物理 ·纳米材料热传导基础研究 ·碳纳米管热界面材料应用研究 2.纳米复合新材料基础与应用研究 |
奖励、荣誉和学术兼职 |
离子束辅助沉积类金刚石等硬质膜研究 国家教委科技进步(甲类)二等奖,1997年3月(第四完成人)。 |
近期代表性论文 (* 通讯作者)
1. Zhiling Luo, Changhong Liu* and Shoushan Fan, A moisture induced self-charging device for energy harvesting and storage, Nano Energy 60 (2019) 371-376
2. Wei Yu, Zheng Duan, Guang Zhang, Changhong Liu,* and Shoushan Fan,Effect of an Auxiliary Plate on Passive Heat Dissipation of Carbon Nanotube-Based Materials,Nano Lett. 18 (2018) 1770?1776.
3. Ruhao Liu, Changhong Liu* and Shoushan Fan, Hydrocapacitor for Harvesting and Storing Energy from Water Movement,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10(41)(2018) 35273-35280.
4. Yanli Yin, Changhong Liu* and Shoushan Fan, A New Type of Secondary Hybrid Battery Showing Excellent Performances, Nano Energy 12 (2015), 486-493
5. Shaohui Jiang, Changhong Liu*, and Shoushan Fan, Efficient natural-convective heat transfer properties of carbon nanotube sheets and their roles on the thermal dissipation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6(2014)3075-3080.
6. Guang Zhang, Changhong Liu* and Shoushan Fan, The temperature dependence of thermal boundary resistances between multiwall carbon nanotubes and some typical counterpart materials, ACS Nano 6 (4) (2012), pp 3057–3062.
7. Ling Zhang, Guang Zhang, Changhong Liu* and Shoushan Fan, High Density Carbon Nanotube Buckypapers with Superior Transport and Mechanical Properties, Nano Lett. 12(9) (2012) 4848-4852.
8. Luzhuo Chen, Changhong Liu*, Ke Liu, Chuizhou Meng, Chunhua Hu, Jiaping Wang, and Shoushan Fan, High-Performance, Low-Voltage, and Easy-Operable Bending Actuator Based on Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites,ACS Nano 5(3) (2011)1588-1593.
9. Chuizhou Meng, Changhong Liu,* Luzhuo Chen, Chunhua Hu, and Shoushan Fan, Highly Flexible and All-Solid-State Paperlike Polymer Supercapacitors, Nano Letters 10 (10)(2010) 4025–4031.
10. Chunhua Hu, Changhong Liu*, Luzhuo Chen, Chuizhou Meng and Shoushan Fan,A Demo Opto-electronic Power Source Based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Sheets, ACS Nano 4(8) (2010) 4701-4706.
11. Chuizhou Meng, Changhong Liu,* and Shoushan Fan, A Promising Approach to Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties Using Carbon Nanotube Networks, Advanced Materials 22 (2010) 535-539.
12. Qingwei Li, Changhong Liu* and Shoushan Fan,Thermal Boundary Resistances of Carbon Nanotubes in Contact with Metals and Polymers, Nano Letters 9 (11) (2009) 3805-3809.
13. Hua Huang, Changhong Liu*, Y. Wu, and S.S.Fan, Aligned carbon nanotube composite films for thermal management, Adv. Mater. 17(2005)1652-1656.
14. Changhong Liu, Juan Antonio Zapien, Chun Sing Lee, Shoushan Fan, Yeshayahu Lifshitz, and Shuit Tong Lee,High-density, Ordered Ultraviolet Light-Emitting ZnO Nanowire Arrays,Adv. Mater.15 (10) (2003) 838-841.
[1] Philip Ball, Nanotube forests take off the heat(2005),http://www.nature.com/materials/nanozone/news/050728/portal/m050728-2.html.
[2] James Tyrrell, Physicists roll out nanotube paper (2008),http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/33187.
[3] Tim Reid,Nanotubes: Amazing actuators(2008),http://www.nature.com/nchina/2008/080813/full/nchina.2008.187.html
[4] Michael Berger, Novel buckypaper device converts light into electricity (2010),http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=17392.php
[5] Lisa Zyga, Paper-thin supercapacitor has higher capacitance when twisted than any non-twisted supercapacitor (2010),http://www.physorg.com/news204265367.html
[6] Stephen Davey, Electroactive materials: Polymer pincers, NPG Asia Materials featured highlight | doi:10.1038/asiamat.2011.86, Published online 06 June 2011http://www.natureasia.com/asia-materials/highlight.php?id=915