Recent Activities

Harnessing chiral currents in ultracold atoms with Floquet engineering and contact interaction


Title: Harnessing chiral currents in ultracold atoms with Floquet engineering and contact interaction

Speaker: Jiansong Pan, College of Physics, Sichuan University

Time: 14:00 pm, Mar.26th2024

Venue: C109, New Science Building

Abstract: The manipulation of particle transport in synthetic quantum matter is an active research frontier. In this presentation, I will introduce our recent efforts in harnessing chiral currents in ultracold atoms with synthetic gauge field, by employing the interplay with Floquet engineering and contact interaction. I will mainly focus on our experimental demonstration of engineered topological transport in a synthetic flat-band lattice of ultracold atoms. Besides, I will briefly introduce a theoretical viewpoint toward the switch of chiral currents with contact interaction if time permits.


[1] Hang Li, Qian Liang, Zhaoli Dong, Hongru Wang, Wei Yi, Jian-Song Pan*, and Bo Yan*, Engineering to- pological chiral transport in a flat-band lattice of ultracold atoms, arXiv:2401.03612(2024);

[2] Jian-Song Pan, Spontaneous breaking of Feynman-path symmetry in a bosonic Harper-Hofstadter ladder, in preparation.