
ZHU MeihongAssociate Professor

Department of Physics, Tsinghua University

School of Sciences Building

Beijing 100084, China





Education and Employment

Education: BS Material, Tsinghua University, 1989

MS Material, Tsinghua University, 1992


Dept. of Phys., Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor, (1992-1998)

Dept. of Phys., Tsinghua University, Associate Professor(1998-)

The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Physics, Visiting Scientist(2002)


Undergraduate Course “Metal Physics” (1995 and 1996 Autumn, ) and “College

Physics”(2004 Spring, 2003 Spring, 2001 Spring, 2000 Spring)


HTS Applications. Special attention is in HTS filters for mobile communications.

Current interests:

1. Fabrication and physical properties of magnetic oxide thin films and nanostructures; growth of thin films by pulsed laser deposition

a Manganites (CMR) and diluted magnetic oxides

b Fabrication of nanostructures, size effect and coupling among nanostructures

2. Heterostructures of oxide thin films and spintronics

Awards and Membership

“HTS filters for mobile communications”, Beijing Science and technology Award

(Bisong Cao, Meihong Zhu, Pengsong Jie, Xiaoping Zhang, Yonggang Zhao and

Zhenghe Han) , third class.

Selected Publications

1. M. H. Zhu, B. S. Cao, X. X. Zhang, W. H. Li, L. W. Zhang, D. J. Dong , M. L. Liu, D. F. Cui, M. He , Y. L. Zhou and T. J. Liu;Design and Performance of a 4.5GHz Circularly PolaOrized YBa2Cu3O7 Microstrip Antenna ;Physica C;282- 287(1997);2515 2. Zhu Meihong,Cao Bisong,Li Na, He Aisheng,Zhang Xuexia,Zhao Yonggang Dong Daijie,Wang Yujie,Zhou Yueliang,Lu Huibin,Cui Dafu,Yi Changlian Luo Kunlun,Wang Yanju,Liu Tiejun and Gu Binglin; Effects of DC Magnetic Field upon the Properties of a HTS Microstrip Antenna at 4.2K; Applied Superconductivity;4(1997);241

3. M.H. Zhu, B.S. Cao, X.X. Zhang, N. Li, Y.J. Wang,Y.G. Zhao, D.J. Dong , B.L.Gu, Y.L. Zhou, Z.H. Chen,H.B. Lu, X.P. Wang and T.J. Liu;Power Dependence of Radiation Efficiency of Circularly Polarized YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) Microstrip Antennas; Physica C;282-287(1997);253

4. X. X. Zhang, M. H. Zhu, Y. J. Wang, N. Li, B. S. Cao, D. J. Dong, Y. G. Zhao, L. W. Zhang, X. P. Wang, T. J. Liu;Research and Design of High Tc Superconducting Microstrip Antenna Array; Physica C; 282-287(1997);2517

5. M. H. Zhu, B. S. Cao, H. S. Huang and et al.;Effect of ‘Microwave Window’ on the Performance of High Temperature Superconducting Antenna, Physica C; 341-348(2000); 2655.

6. T. Liu, Y.G. Zhao, T.B. Li, M.H. Zhu, L. W. Zhang, H.S. Huang, M.L. Liu, Y.L. Zhou, M. He, H.B. Lu, and B.S. Cao; Correlation Between the Morphology of Ag and the Contact Resistivity of the Ag/YBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Film Contact; Journal of Superconductivity; 14(2001); 455.

7.Y. G. Zhao, X. P. Zhang, P. T. Qiao, H. T. Zhang, S. L. Jia, B. S. Cao, M. H. Zhu, Z. H. Han, X. L. Wang, B. L. Gu, Effect of Li doping on structure and superconducting transition temperature of Mg1-xLixB2, Physica C 361(2), 91 (2001)

8.W. Cai, Y. G. Zhao, Y. Z. He, L. W. Zhang, M. H. Zhu, H. S. Huang, M. L. Liu and B. S. Cao, Effect of oxygen content on the electrical transport property of La0.4Ca0.6MnO3-y, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 187, No.2, 529 (2001).

9. Guoyong Zhang, Meihong Zhu, Bisong Cao, Wenjun He, Xubo Guo, Shan He, Bangchang Liu, Yumei Wang, Xiaoping Zhang, Yonggang Zhao,Menglin Liu, Zhenghe Han, and Baoxin Gao;Design and Performance of a Compact Forward- Coupled HTS Microstrip Filter for a GSM System; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 12(4),1897-1901 (2002)

10. Kun Liu, Bisong Cao, Meihong Zhu, Bin Wei, Bang-chang Liu, Xiaoping Zhang, Longma Gao, Guoyong Zhang, Wenjun He and Baoxin Gao; Hongcheng Li, Fabrication and laboratory testing of a high-temperature superconducting subsystem for DCS1800 mobile communications; Superconductor Science and Technology, 15, 1741-1743(2002).

11.Y. G. Zhao, W. Cai, J. Zhao, X. P. Zhang, R. Fan, B. S. Cao, M. H. Zhu, T. Wu, S. B. Ogale, S. R. Shinde, T. Venkatesan, Q. Y. Tu, T. K. Mandal, and J. Gopalakrishnan, Insulator-metal transition and magnetoresisstance of La0.5Ca0.5MnOy induced by tuning the oxygen content, J. Appl. Phys. 92, 5391 (2002).

12.Y. G. Zhao, W. Cai, J. Zhao, X. P. Zhang, B. S. Cao, M. H. Zhu, L.W. Zhang, S. B. Ogale, Tom Wu, T. Venkatesan, Li Lu, T. K. Mandal and J. Gopalakrishnan, Electrical transport and magnetic properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3-y with different oxygen contents, Phys. Rev. B, 65, 144406 (2002).

13.X. P. Zhang, Y. G. Zhao, P. T. Qiao, Z. S. Yin, S. L. Jia, B. S. Cao, M. H. Zhu, Z. H. Han, X. L. Wang, B. L. Gu, Investigation on the Structure and Superconducting Properties of Mg1-xMxB2 (M=deficiency or Ca), J. Supercond., 15,N2, 159 (2002).

14. X.H.Zeng, A.V.Pogrebnyakov, M.H.Zhu et al., Superconducting MgB2 thin films on silicon carbide substrates by hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition, Applied Physics Letters,82(13),2097(2003).

15.D.A. Tenne, A.Soukiassian, M.H.Zhu et al., Raman study of BaxxSr1-xTiO3 films:Evidence for the existence of polar nanoregions, Physical Review B 67,01302,(2003).

16. M. H. Zhu, Y. G. Zhao, W. Cai, X. S. Wu, S. N. Gao, K. Wang, L. B. Luo, H. S. Huang, and L. Lu, Spin-glass shell and magnetotransport properties of a La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 nanoring network, Phys. Rev. B 75, 134424 (2007).