Recent Activities

严正: Numerical studies of the quantum simulation based on Rydberg array


Title: Numerical studies of the quantum simulation based on Rydberg array

报告人: 严正

时间: 2023年12月29日周五上午10点-11点


Abstract: Due to local constraints induced by Rydberg blockade, novel physics of lattice gauge theory can be widely simulated and has attracted a lot of attentions and discussions in therelated scientific communities. In this talk, I will introduce several fresh works by us in this area along two main branches: 1. The emergent novel phases in Rydberg arrays: odd/even Z2 spin liquids, a hidden order disguised as a spin liquid, emergent glassy phase. 2. New challenges in gauge field simulations and the solutions: how to preparetarget states among topological sectors.

Bio:Zheng YAN is an Assistant Professor/Researcher at Westlake University. He received the Bachelor Degree from Dalian University of Technology in 2013 and the Ph.D inTheoretical Physics from Fudan University in 2019. Thereafter he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow, then a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong. In 2023, he joined the Westlake University as a Principal Investigator (PI). His main research areas are theoretical and numerical studies of quantum many-body physics, as well as related quantum simulation/computing and quantum materials cross-disciplinary research.