Recent Activities

Pulse Shaping Single Photons from a Trapped Ion with Active Feedback and Machine Learning for Hybrid Quantum Systems


Title:Pulse Shaping Single Photons from a Trapped Ion with Active Feedback and Machine Learning for Hybrid Quantum Systems

Speaker: Prof. Boris Blinov,University of Washington

Time:2024-12-11 16:00

Venue: C302,New Science Building

Abstract:In quantum networks, the indistinguishability of single photons used to establish remote entanglement is crucial. Successful entanglement requires that these photons are completely indistinguishable, including their frequency, polarization and temporal profile. Achieving the latter in heterogeneous quantum systems is particularly challenging due to the different lifetimes of quantum emitters. We present progress towards demonstrating full, arbitrary control of the single photon temporal shape, including optimization of excitation pulse, benchmarking of different optimization protocols, and live feedback to control for experimental error. We assert that any single quantum emitter can produce photons of any temporal waveform via modulation of the driving Rabi frequency and at most a single π phase change of the driving pulse. We also present a novel machine learning approach that reduces the number of optimization steps required to achieve the desired photon temporal shape. We discuss future experiments, including remote entanglement of a 171Yb+ ion with a ZnO solid-state spin donor qubit.

Bio:Prof. Boris Blinov, Department of Physics, University of Washington, USA. Prof. Blinov’s research focus on quantum computing, quantum simulation and ion trapping.