

Professor Ping Xue

Department of Physics, Tsinghua University

Room W-251,School of Sciences Building

Beijing 100084, China

Phone:+86(10)62784531 ext. 197



Link to:https://thurid.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/scholar/650981

Education and Employment


BS Applied Physics, Tsinghua University, 1988

Ph.D. Optics, Tsinghua University, 1993



Laboratory of Laser Single Atom Detection, Department of Physics, Tsinghua  University, Assistant Professor, (1993-1996)

Laboratory of Laser Single Atom Detection, Department of Physics, Tsinghua  University, Associate Professor, (1996-2000)

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Visiting Scientist, (2001-2002)

Human Resource Office, Tsinghua University, Deputy Director, (1999-2003)

Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular NanoSciences, Department of Physics, Tsinghua  University, Professor, (2000-2011)

State key laboratory of low-dimensional Physics, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Professor, (2011- )


Theory of Molecular Spectroscopy, Spring Semester 1994

Laser and Spectroscopy, Spring Semester 1998

Selected Topics on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Summer 2000

Modern Physics and Physical Foundations of New Technology, Spring 2003

College Physics, Spring 2004

New Advances in Modern Physics, Spring Semester, 2010-

Modern Physics Experiments, Autumn Semester, 2010-

Laser Spectroscopy-Basic Concepts and Instrumentations, Spring Semester, 1999-


Professor Xue's group performs research in biomedical optical imaging, laser spectroscopy, advanced laser technology and optical informatics.

a)Studies in biomedical optics focus on optical imaging using optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical Doppler tomography (ODT). Research includes development of imaging technologies and clinical applications. Technology development includes high resolution, spectroscopic imaging, development of imaging devices such as catheter or endoscope based systems. Biomedical studies include clinical investigations of ophthalmic applications in collaboration with the hospitals. Studies of optical biopsy in internal medicine in collaboration with investigators at the Sino-Japan Friendship  Hospital. In addition, the integration of OCT with other technologies such as multi-photon excitation fluorescence confocal microscopy is also studied to obtain more information of bio-tissue and broaden the application field. The research subjects includes:

lPhoton migration in turbid medium or bio-tissue

lOptical coherence tomography and Optical Doppler tomography

lLaser coherent remote sensing and imaging

lMicroscopic and spectral imaging

lFiber optics and MEMS


b) Studies in laser spectroscopy focus on the high Rydberg states of complex atom and its laser spectroscopy by time of flight (TOF) technique. Electron correlation is specially studied to understand dynamics of interaction of electron and nucleus in highly excited atoms and ions. Laser atom cooling technology is utilized to obtain ultra-cold atoms and initiate the studies of highly excited states of ultra-cold atoms and the interactions between the cold atoms. The research subjects includes:

lLaser-atom interaction

lDynamics of highly excited states of atoms

lBehaviors of ultra-cold atom

lStudy of perturbation states of complex atoms and ions

lCorrelation of atom, molecule and nanometer-scale materials

c) Laser Physics

The work we are interested in is mainly based on the research of ultrafast, sweep frequency, fiber laser and so on, which are related to the above two research contents.


d) Optical Informatics

Optical informatics is one of the most important research directions of high-speed computing in the era of big data. The research we are interested in mainly lies in the operation and processing of massive optical information through optical methods, so as to obtain a speed higher than the current computing speed limited by electronic computers.

Awards, Honors and Professional Activities


1) Development of Science and Technology award, Beijing Municipal Council of Science and Technology, P.R. China, 2002

2) Development of Science and Technology award, National Council of Education, P.R.China, 1998


Current Professional Activities:

1) Institute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Public Security,Academic Member (2018-present)

2) Science Popularization Committee, Chinese Physical Society, Deputy Director (2012-2023)

3) Chinese Science Bulletin, Editorial Board (2008-2013)

4) Photonics, Editorial Board, Topic Editor (2019-2022)

5) Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Editorial Board (2008-2016)

6) Tsinghua-Chinluck Frontier Science Research Center, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Deputy Director, (2012-2021 )

7) Center for Nano-Optoelectronics, Tsinghua University, Deputy Director, (2018-2020 )

Selected Publications

Author or co-author of over 10 patents and 160 papers published in international refereed journals or conference proceedings. Co-author of 3 books.  Tens of invited talks at international and domestic conferences.

Selected recent papers:

1"High-speed k-linear swept laser using acousto-optic deflectors with Doppler shift compensation for optical coherence tomography," Optics Letters 49, 101 (2024)

2、“Robotic-OCT guided inspection and microsurgery of monolithic storage devices” Nature Communication, 14:5701 (2023)

3“Importance sampling-accelerated simulation of full-spectrum backscattered diffuse reflectance”. Biomedical Optics Express, 2023;14(9):4644-59

4“Size correction and deep image optimization in optical coherence tomography angiography with structural image-assisted common parts extraction method”  J. Biophotonics, e202300259, (2023)

5“Multimodal-based machine learning strategy for accurate and non-invasive prediction of intramedullary glioma grade and mutation status of molecular markers: a retrospective study” BMC Medicine, 21:198, (2023)

6“Vibration measurement with frequency modulation single-pixel imaging” Chinese Optics Letters. 21(1): 011102, (2023)

7、“Polarization-isolated stretched-pulse mode-locked swept laser for 10.3-MHz A-line rate optical coherence tomography” Optics Letters 48(15):4025-8, (2023)

8、“Analysis and simulation of time-of-flight spectrum in Rb+-Rb hybrid trap” Acta Phys. Sin. 72(9): 093401, (2023)

9Optical coherence tomography angiography with adaptive multi-time interval” J.Biophotonics 16(5), e202200340, (2023)

10、“Whole Brain Micro-Vascular Imaging Using Robot Assisted Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 29(4):6800209, (2023)

11、“Monte Carlo-based full-wavelength simulator of Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography” Biomedical Optics Express 13(12): 6317-34, (2022)

12、“Tail artifacts removal of three-dimensional optical coherence tomography angiography with common parts extraction method” J. Biophotonics, e202200155, (2022)

13、“Dispersion Measurement with Optical Computing Optical Coherence Tomography Photonics, 9, 48(2022)

14、“Theoretical and experimental study of hybrid optical computing engine for arbitrary-order FRFT” Opt. Express 29(24), 40106-40115 (2021)

15、“Development of High-Performance Optical Coherence Tomography” (invited) Chinese Journal of Lasers, 48(15): 1517001, (2021)

16、“SNR study on Fourier single-pixel imaging” New J. Phys. 23:073025 (2021)

17“High-speed all-optical processing for spectrum”, Opt. Express 29(1), 305-314 (2021)

18“Digital filtering ghost imaging to remove light disturbances” Appl. Opt. 60(4), 809-814 (2021)

19、“Application of Adaptive Optics in Fluorescence Microscope”(Cover Paper Invited, Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 57(12): 120001. (2020)

20“The Rb+–Rb collision rate in the energy range of 103–104 K” Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 53, 135201,(2020)

21“Adaptive ghost imaging” Opt. Express 28(12), 17232-17240 (2020)

22“Fully Automatic Prediction for Efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy in Clinical Port-Wine Stains Treatment: A Pilot Study” IEEE Access Vol.8, 31227-31233, (2020)

23“Ghost network analyzer” New J. Phys. 22, 013040, (2020)

24“Distortion-free frequency response measurements” Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 53(39): 000551654000001, (2020)

25“Speckle reducing OCT using optical chopper” Optics Express Vol. 28, No. 3, 4021-4031, (2020)

26“Machine-learning classification of port wine stain with quantitative features of optical coherence tomography image”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(6):2952903. (2019)

27“The study on high n Rydberg state of La II”. Acta Physica Sinica. 68(4):043201. (2019)

28“Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and its applications in skin cancer diagnosis”. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. 12(5): 1930004. (2019)

29“Compressed sensing spectral domain optical coherence tomography with hardware sparse-sampled camera. Optics Letters , 44(12): 2955-2958. (2019)

30“Optical computing optical coherence tomography with conjugate suppression by dispersion”. Optics Letters, 44(8): 2077-2080, (2019)

31“Multi-frame speckle reduction in OCT using supercontinuum pumped by noise-like pulses” Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 12(1):1950009. (2019)

32“Conjugate transformation for dispersion compensation in optical coherence tomography imaging” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25(1):7100107 (2019)

33“Endoscopic optical coherence tomography with focus adjustable probe” Optics Letters 42(20):4040-3,(2017)

34“All-Fiber-Optics-Based Microwave Photonic Filter With Tunable Center Frequency and Passband Plus Notch” IEEE Photonics Journal Vol. 9, No. 5, 5502708 (2017)

35“Measurement of the Low-Energy Rb+Rb Total Collision Rate in an Ion-Neutral Hybrid Trap”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 34:1 013401 (2017)

36“Optical computing for optical coherence tomography” Scientific Reports 6:37286 (2016) (Featured article 11/26/2016 and Feature of The Week 11/26/2016 in OCT News)

37“Characterization of automotive paint by optical coherence tomography” Forensic Science International 266: 239–244 (2016)

38“A Pure Frequency Tripler Based on CVD Graphene”, IEEE Electron Device Letters 37 : 6, 785-788, (2016)

39“Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography at 1.3 μm central wavelength by using a supercontinuum source pumped by noise-like pulses” Laser Phys. Lett. 13: 025101, (2016)

40“Plasmon-Enhanced Emission From CMOS Compatible Si-LEDs With Gold Nanoparticles” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27(22): 2414-2417, (2015)

41“Ultrahigh-speed optical coherence tomography utilizing all-optical 40 MHz swept-source” Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(3), 030503. (2015)

42“Cascade splitting of two atomic energy levels due to multiphoton absorption”, Physical Review A 90, 033811 (2014)

43、“Temperature of the Remaining Cold Atoms after Two-Step Photoionization in an 87Rb Vapor Cell Magneto-Optical Trap” Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 31, No. 7 073401,(2014)

44、“The Inversionless Amplification in a Tripod System of 87Rb Atoms in a Magneto-optical Trap” Chin. Phys. Lett.. Vol. 31, No. 4 043201,(2014)

45“Linear-in-wavenumber swept laser with an acousto-optic deflector for optical coherence tomography” Optics Letters, 39(2): 247-50, (2014) (Featured article 1/2/14 and Feature of The Week 2/14/14 in OCT News and Selected for additional publication in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics)

46“Compact piezoelectric transducer fiber scanning probe for optical coherence tomography” Optics Letters, 39(2): 186-8, (2014)  (Featured article 1/2/14 in OCT News and Selected for additional publication in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics)

47“Automated Assessment of Epidermal Thickness and Vascular Density of Port Wine Stains OCT Image” Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 7(1): 1350052 (2014)

48、“Understanding three-dimensional spatial relationship between the mouse second polar body and first cleavage plane with full-field optical coherence tomography” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(1), 010503. (2013). (Won The 2013 OCT News Student Paper Award and Selected for additional publication in SPIE Letters)

49“Tiny endoscopic optical coherence tomography probe driven by a miniaturized hollow ultrasonic motor” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(8), 086011 (2013). ( Featured article and Feature of The Week 10/13/13 in OCT News)

50"Completely invisible open tunnel for cylindrical metamaterial devices,” Phys. Rev. A 88, 013821 (2013)

51“Noninvasive three-dimensional live imaging methodology for the spindles at meiosis and mitosis” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(5), 050505. (2013). (Featured article 13/5/13 in OCT News and Selected for additional publication in SPIE Letters Virtual Journal)

52“Speckle-constrained variational methods for image restoration in optical coherence tomography” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30(5):878-885, (2013)

53"The Probe Transmission Spectra of 87Rb in an Operating Magneto-Optical Trap in the Presence of an Ionizing Laser", Chin. Phys. Lett. 30(4):043201, (2013)

54“Compressed sensing with linear-in-wavenumber sampling in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography” Optics Letters, 37(15) : 3075-7, (2012)

55、“Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography with a Fresnel spectrometer Optics Letters, 37(8) : 1307-9, (2012)

56“Label-free subcellular 3D live imaging of preimplantation mouse embryos with full-field optical coherence tomography”. Journal of Biomedical Optics 17, 070503. (2012) (Feature of The Week 7/22/12 in OCT News and Selected for additional publication in SPIE Letters)

57“Wave Front Division Interferometer Based Optical Coherence Tomography for Sensitivity Optimization”, Optics. Communications. 285, 1589-1592, (2012)

58“Measurement of the photoionization cross section of the 5P3/2 state of rubidium in a vapor-loaded magneto-optic trap” Chinese Physics Letters. 29(1): 013201, (2012)

59“Handheld optical coherence tomography device for photodynamic therapy” Chinese Science Bulletin  57(5) : 450-4, (2012)

60'Imaging of Skin Microvessels with Optical Coherence Tomography: Potential Uses in Port Wine Stains', Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 4: 1017-21. (2012)

61“Polarization Degrees for 3p 2P3/2-3s 2S1/2 Transition of C3+ (1s23p) Produced in Collisions of C4+ with He and H2Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 79: 064301,(2010)

62“Imaging port wine stains by fiber optical coherence tomography” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15(3), 036020, (2010)

63“Dynamics of O6+ + H electron capture in Debye plasmas and properties of resulting O5+(nl) emission spectra” Physical Review A, 82(2):022701,(2010)

64“Polarization degrees of 3p P-2(3/2)-3s S-2(1/2) transition in O5+(1s (2)3p) produced in collisions of O6+ with He and H-2J. Phys. B, 43(18): 185202, (2010)

65“Reconstruction of complementary images in second harmonic generation microscopy” Optics Express, 14(1): 4727-35, (2006)

66“Particle-Fixed Monte Carlo Model for Optical Coherence Tomography”, Optics Express, 13(6): 2182-95, (2005)

67“How to Optimize the OCT image” Optics Express, 9 (1): 24-35, (2001)

68“Atomic triply excited double Rydberg states of lanthanum investigated by selective laser excitation” Physical Review A, 64 (3): art. no. 031402 , (2001)