
DING Shiqian

Associate Professor

Department of Physics, Tsinghua University

Beijing, 100084, China





Career Development

Academic Training:




Centre for Quantum Technologies,

Ph.D. in Physics


National University of Singapore

with Prof. Dzmitry Matsukevich


Lanzhou University

B.Sc. in Physics

Employment History:




Department of Physics, Tsinghua University

Department of Physics, Tsinghua University


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor



Faculty of Physics, University of Munich

Scientific Staff Member



with Prof. Peter Thirolf


JILA, NIST and University of Colorado

Research Associate



with Prof. Jun Ye


Research Statemet

My main research interests focus on applying techniques of ultracold physics and quantum coherent control to precision measurements. Our group is working towards an optical clock based on the thorium nuclear transition and quantum logic techniques.

We always have openings for self-motivated undergraduates, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.

Selected Publications

1.Q. Xiao, G. Penyazkov, R. Yu, B. Huang, J. Li, J. Shi, Y. Yu, Y. Mo, S. Ding, "Generation of continuous-wave vacuum ultraviolet laser light for Th-229 isomer precision spectroscopy", arXiv: 2406.16841 (2024)

2.K. Scharl, S. Ding, G. Holthoff, M. I. Hussain, S. Kraemer, L. Löbell, D. Moritz, T. Rozibakieva, B. Seiferle, F. Zacherl, and P. G. Thirolf, "Setup for the Ionic Lifetime Measurement of the 229mTh3+ Nuclear Clock Isomer", Atoms 11, 108 (2023)

3. Y. Wu, J.J. Burau, K. Mehling, J. Ye and S. Ding, “High phase-space density of laser-cooled molecules in an optical lattice”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 263201 (2021)

4. S. Ding, Y. Wu, I.A. Finneran, J.J. Burau, and J. Ye, “Sub-Doppler Cooling and compressed trapping of YO molecules at uK temperatures”, Phys. Rev. X 10, 021049 (2020)

5. A.L. Collopy, S. Ding, Y. Wu, I.A. Finneran, L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, J.M. Doyle, and J. Ye, “3D magneto-optical trap of yttrium monoxide”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 213201 (2018)

6. G. Maslennikov#, S. Ding#, R. Hablutzel, J. Gan, A. Roulet, S. Nimmrichter, J. Dai, V. Scarani, and D. Matsukevich, “Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions”, Nat. Commun. 10, 202 (2019)

7. S. Ding, G. Maslennikov, R. Hablutzel, and D. Matsukevich, “Quantum simulations with a trilinear Hamiltonian”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 130502 (2018)

8. S. Ding, G. Maslennikov, R. Hablutzel, and D. Matsukevich, “Cross-Kerr nonlinearity for phonon counting”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 193602 (2017)

9. S. Ding, G. Maslennikov, R. Hablutzel, H. Loh, and D. Matsukevich, “Quantum parametric oscillator with trapped ions”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 150404 (2017)

10. S. Ding, H. Loh, R. Hablutzel, M. Gao, G. Maslennikov, and D. Matsukevich, “Microwave control of trapped-ion motion assisted by a running optical lattice”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 073002 (2014)

11. S. Ding, and D. Matsukevich, “Quantum logic for the control and manipulation of molecular ions using a frequency comb”, New J. Phys. 14, 023028 (2012)