

YE Zhihong Non-Tenured Associate Professor

Department of Physics, Tsinghua University

New Science Building B-305

Beijing 100084




Career Development

Academic Training:

2013  University of Virginia,USA  Ph.D.in Experimental Medium Energy Physics with Prof. Donal.B.Day

2005  Lanzhou University  B.Sc.in Physics

Employment History:

2023-current  Tsinghua University  Associate Professor(non-tenured)

2021-2023    Tsinghua University  Assistant Professor

2020-2021    Canon Medical Research USA, INC  Senior Detector Scientist

2019-2020    Canon Medical Research USA, INC  Detector Scientist

2018-2019    Argonne National Lab, USA  Senior Research Associate

2015-2018    Argonne National Lab, USA  Post Doc Fellow

2013-2015    Duke University, USA  Post Doc with Prof. Haiyan Gao

Research Statement

My main research focuses on experimental medium-high energy physics. By using high-energy electron and proton beams from accelerators to collider on nucleons or nuclei, we can measure the properties and kinematic distributions of the final state particles to investigate how quarks and gluons form nucleon under the guidance from the QCD theory, such as measuring the proton charged radius as well as the origins of the proton spin and mass. I also study the nucleon-nucleon interaction to understand how the nuclear-force is originated from the strong interaction, as well as how the quarks and gluons play roles in forming the stable nuclei (e.g. the EMC effect). Here is the list of several ongoing experimental programs:
§ Experiments at Jefferson Lab in US: using electrons scattering of Tritium and Helium-3 targets, explore the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the structure of valance quarks in A=3 nuclei; As one of the spokespeople of E12-11-112 experiment which studies Short-Range Correlations, led the successful running of the experiment and the offline-analysis (First result published on Nature); Designed and proposed the second-generation Tritium experiment (C12-21-004) to study the three-dimensional quark-structure in A=3 nuclei which was already approved.
§ SoLID Projection at Jefferson Lab in US: using high-energy electrons scattering on polarized targets, study the spin and orbital angular momentum contributions of valance-quarks to resolve the proton spin puzzle; Act as the spokesperson of the Kaon-SIDIS and Pion-DVMP experiments; Lead/participate the design and construction of several detectors.
§ Design the new SRC experiment using proton-nucleus collision at HIAF (Guandong, Huizhou)
§ Design of the Electron-Ion Collider in China (EicC) as well as in US (US-EIC@BNL): lead/participate the design and Monte-Carlo simulation of several physics topics to explore the contribution of sea-quarks to the structure of nucleons and nucleons; Lead/participate several detector R&D
§ Develop Muon detector arrays for climate studies: detect muons and monitore the interaction between cosmic ray muon and the atoms in the air; join the world-wide cosmic-ray monitoring system to get brand new info of the motion of the Earth’s atmosphere for the study the global warming.
§ SeaQuest and SpinQuest experiments at Fermi-National Lab in US
Besides, I am also working on the application of noval detector technologies to the field of medical image, and collaborating with other institutes and big medical imagining companies to develop the next generation medical imaging device.
We always have openings for excellent Ph. D. Students and Postdoctoral fellows to join our group. If you are interested in experimental particle physics and medical imagining, don’t not hesitate to contact me.


The list of papers (First/leading author or author with major contributions):

1. Revealing the short-range structure of the mirror nuclei 3H and 3He, Hall-A Tritium Collaboration, S. Li, R. Cruz-Torres, N. Santiesteban, Z. H. Ye, et. al., Nature, 609, 41-45 (2022)

2. Measurement of the Nucleon F2n/F2p Structure Function Ratio by the Jefferson Lab MARATHON Tritium/Helium-3 Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiment, Hall-A Tritium Collaboration, Phy. Rev. Lett. 128, 132003 (2022)

3. Electron-Ion Collider in China, EicC Collaboration, Front. Phys. 16(6), 64701 (2021)

4. Novel observation of isospin structure of short-range correlations in calcium isotopes,Hall-A Collaboration,D.Nguyen, Z. Ye,et. al, Phys.Rev.C 102 (2020) 6, 064004

5. A small proton charge radius from an electron–proton scattering experiment,PRAD Collaboration,W. Xiong, et.al., Nature 575, 147–150(2019)

6. Proton charge radius extraction from electron scattering data using dispersively improvedchiral effective field theory, J. M. Alarcon, D. Higinbotham, C. Weiss, Z. Ye, Phys Rev C99 (2019) 044303

7. Search for three-nucleon short-range correlations in light nuclei,Hall-A Collaboration, Z. Ye, et al., Phys. Rev. C 97 (2018) 065204

8. Proton and neutron electromagnetic form factors and uncertainties, Z. Ye, et al., Phys. Lett. B 777 8-15 (2018)

9. Unveiling the Tensor Charge of the Nucleon at Jefferson Lab, Z. Ye, et al., Phys. Lett. B767 (2017) 91-98

10. Proton Remains Puzzling,H. Gao, T. Liu, C. Peng, Z. Ye, Z. W. Zhao, The Universe 3 (2015) no.2, 18-30

The most updated (but not completed) list of papers can be found at:
