

Department of Physics, Tsinghua University

School of Sciences Building

Beijing 100084, China





Education and Employment


BS Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, 1970,

MS Nuclear Physics, Tsinghua University, 1982.


Institute of Nuclear Energy, Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor (1970- 1978).

Department of Engineering and Physics, Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor (1978 -1982).

Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Lecture (1982 -1991), Associate Professor (1991-1997), Professor (1997-).

Visiting Scholar, Department of Physics, Vanderbilt University, U.S.A, (1987.1-1988.1),(1994.11-1995.8),(1997.10-1998.1),(1998.11-12),(2001.3-5),(2005.7-8)

Visiting Scholar, Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A, (1988.1-1988.8).

Visiting Scientist, Department of Physics, Mississippi State University, U.S.A, (1994,3- 1994,4).


Undergraduate Course“Nuclear and Particle Physics”(2008-2002 Spring).

Undergraduate Course “Experimental Methods of Subatomic Physics” (1989- 2000 fall,2004,2006,2008fall).

Undergraduate and Graduate Course “Experiments of Nuclear physics” (1983- 2001, fall).


Doing the basic research on nuclear physics. The research area is experimental study

of nuclear structure far from stability and nuclear high spin states. The experiments

are carried out at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A, Lawrence Berkeley National

Laboratory, U.S.A, China Institute of Atomic Energy and China Academic Institute of

Modern Physics through international and national cooperations using heavy-ion accelerators and large detector arrays.Data

analysis is done in our group. The research contents include (1)New quasiparticle

bands and octupole deformation in A=110 and 140 neutron-rich region, (2)The properties of

the oblate deformation et al. in A=130 neutron-deficient region, and (3) Collective backbends

and shape phase transition in A=150 region. Besides, the programs of the nuclear radiation

detector and the application of nuclear technology were also carried out. The research work has

been supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program, the National Natural

Science Foundations of China, the Science Foundation for the Nuclear Industry of China, the Special

Program of Higher Education Science Foundation, and the University “985” foundations.

Awards and Membership


* Awards of many prizes of teaching and laboratory administration from Beijing Government and Tsinghua University for the course “Experiments of Nuclear Physics” (1983-1997).

* A second class prize “Tsinghua’s Friend” (1993).

* An achievement certificate from Tsinghua university, “High Spin States in A=70 and A=150 Region”, (1993, first author).

* A scientific achievement certificate form Committee of the China National Science and Technology (1995, first author).

* A first class prize “Teaching program of Construction of the Basic Science Class” from Tsinghua University, (1996, second author).

* A honor certificate of China “8.5” Science and Technology achievement (1996).

* A basic research prize of Tsinghua University, “Research on Nuclear High Spin States” (1997, first author).

* A second prize of the Science and Technology Advance from China National Education Department, “ Experimental and theoretical Research on Nuclear High Spin States” (1999, first author).

* Award an Encourage Foundation of the Excellent Article from the China National Natural Science Foundation Committee (2000).


* A member of standing council of China Nuclear Physics Society.

* A member of academic committee of the China National Laboratory of the Beijing Tandem Accelerator.

* A member of the Special Group of China Nuclear Structure.

* A member of the editorial committee of the Journal “High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics”.

* A member of the Advisors of the China Major State Basic Research Development Program “Radioactive Beam Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Astronomy Physics” (2000-2005).

* A member of special referees for the Journal “Chinese Physics Letters”.

Selected Publications

Co-author(1997). Author or co-author of more than 140 papers published in journals and more than 80 conference papers have been published.

1.1. S.J.Zhu, J.H.Hamilton, A.V.Ramayya et al. Identification of levels in 160Sm and new high spin states in 156,158Sm,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 21 (1995) 1555- 1555.

2. S.J.Zhu, J.H.Hamilton, A.V.Ramayya et al. Identification of 152Ce and unexpected variations in moments of inertia with neutron number and spin in 142-148Ba, 144-152Ce and 152-156Nd,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 21 (1995) L75-81.

3. Q.H.Lu, K.Butler-Moore, S.J.Zhu et al. Structure of 108,110,112Ru: identical bands in 108,110Ru, Phys. Rev. C52 (1995) 1348-1354.

4. S.J.Zhu Q. H. Lu, J. H. Hamilton et al. Octupole deformation in 142,143Ba and 144Ce: new band structures in neutron-rich Ba-isotopes, Phys. Lett. B357 (1995) 273- 280 .

5. J.H.Hamilton, A.V.Ramayya, S.J.Zhu et al. New insights from studies of spontaneous fission with large detectors arrays, Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys. (invited review), 35 (1995) 635.

6. B.R.S.Babu, S.J.Zhu, A.V.Ramayya et al. Identification of ?-transitions in 147Ba, 149Ce and 151,153Nd, Phys. Rev. C54 (1996) 568-571.

7. S.J.Zhu, J. H. Hamilton, A. V. Ramayya et al. High spin octupole correlations in the N=85, 139Xe and 141Ba isotones, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 23 (1997) L77-L83.

8. S.J.Zhu, M.G.Wang, J.H.Hamilton et al. Reflection asymmetry shapes in the neutron-rich 140,143Ba isotopes, Chin. Phys. Lett. 14 (1997) 569-572.

9. S.J.Zhu, C.Y.Gan, J.H.Hamilton, et al. Collective band structure in the neutron- rich 107,109Ru nuclei, Chin. Phys. Lett. 15 (1998) 793-795.

10. M.Sakhaee, S.J.Zhu, J.H.Hamilton,et al. Identification of levels in neutron-rich odd mass 145Ce and 147Ce nuclei, Phys. Rev. C60 (1999) 067303.

11. S.J.Zhu, J.H.Hamilton, A. V. Ramayya, et al. Octupole correlations in neutron- rich 145,147La nuclei: some Carioles-limit-coupling bands with aligned h11/2 proton, Phys. Rev. C59 (1999) 1316-1323.

12. S.J.Zhu, M.Li, L.Y.Zhu, et al. Identification of collective oblate bands in Ce-138, Chin. Phys. Lett. 16 (1999) 635-637.

13. S.J.Zhu, J.H.Hamilton, A. V. Ramayya,et al., Octupole correlations in neutron-rich 143,145Ba and a type of superdeformed band in 145Ba. Phys. Rev. C65 (2001) 014307(1-6).

14. S.J.Zhu, L. Y. Zhu, M. Li et al. High spin states and a collective oblate band in 137Ce, Phys. Rev. C62 (2000) 044310.

15. S.J.Zhu, J.H.Hamilton, A.V.Ramayya, et al. Observation of rotational bands in the neutron-rich 107Ru nucleus, Phys. Rev. C65 (2001) 014307(1-6) .

16. L.M.Yang, S.J.Zhu*, K. Li et al. Collective bands in the Neutron-Rich 104Mo Nucleus, Chin. Phys. Lett. 18 (2001) 24-26.

17. S.J.Zhu, M.Sakhaee, L.M.Yang et al. The ?h1/2 Band-Crossing and possible octupole correlation in 122Ba, Chin. Phys. Lett. 18( 2001) 1027-1029.

18. R.Q.Xu, S.J.Zhu*, J.H.Hamilton, et al. Observation of rotational bands in neutron- rich 106Mo nucleus, Chin. Phys. Lett. (2002) 180-183.

19. Z. Zhang, S. J. Zhu, J. H. Hamilton et al. Identification of collective bands in neutron-rich 113Ru nucleus, Phys. Rev. C 67, 064307(1-4) (2003).

20. X. L. Che, S. J. Zhu* et al., High-Spin Structure in Neutron-Rich 108Ru Nucleus, Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 1904 (2004).

21. M. L. Li, S. J. Zhu* et al., Two-Quasiparticle Bands and Isomers in 98Sr, Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 2147 (2004).

22. S. J. Zhu, C. Y. Gan et al., High Spin States and Shape Coexistence in 134Ce, High Energy Phys. Nucl. Phys. 29, 130 (2005).

23. Yong-Nam U, S. J. Zhu* et al., Search for the Chiral Doublet Bands in 122Cs, J.Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31, B1(2005).

24. S. J. Zhu, S. D. Xiao et al., High-spin states and band structures in the doubly odd 136La nucleus, Eur. Phys. J. A 24, 199 (2005).

25. S. J. Zhu, J. H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya et al., Soft chiral vibrations in 106Mo, Eur. Phys. J. A 25, s01, 459 (2005).

26. X. L. Che, S. J. Zhu* et al., High Spin Band Structure in 112Ru,Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 328 (2006).

27. Y. J. Chen, S. J. Zhu* et al., Search for octupole correlations in neutron-rich 148Ce nucleus, Phys. Rev. C 73, 054316 (2006).

28. M. L. Li; S. J. Zhu* et al., Identification of band structures in the 137La nucleus, Eur. Phys. J. A 28, 1-4 (2006) (letter).

29. H. B. Ding, S. J. Zhu* et al., Identification of band tructures and proposed one- and two-phonon ?-vibrational bands in 105Mo, Phys. Rev. C 74, 054301 (2006).

30. X. L. Che, S. J. Zhu* et al., High-spin levels based on the 11/2- isomer in 135Ba,Eur. Phys. J. A 30, 347 -350 (2006).

31. H. B. Ding, S. J. Zhu* et al., Search for double ?-vibrational bands in neutron-rich 105Mo nucleus, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 3222 (2006).

32. M. L. Li, S. J. Zhu* et al., High-spin states and collective oblate bands in the odd-odd 138Pr nucleus, Phys. Rev. C 75, 034304 (2007).

33. J. G. Wang, S. J. Zhu* et al., First identification of collective bands and octupole correlations in the neutron-rich 143La nucleus, Phys. Rev. C 75, 064301 (2007).

34. H. B. Ding, S. J. Zhu* et al., Chin. Phys. Lett., 24, 1517 (1997).

35. S. J. Zhu, Y. X. Luo, J. H. Hamilton et al., Triaxiality, chiral ands and gamma vibrations in A = 99–114 nuclei, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 59 (2007) 329

36. H. B. Ding, S. J. Zhu* et al., Identification of the ν7/2+[404] band in neutron-rich 109Ru, Phys. Rev. C 77, 057302 (2008).

37. J. G. Wang, S. J. Zhu* et al., First identification of a collective band in the odd-odd 104Nb nucleus, Phys. Rev. C 78, 014313 (2008).

38. Q. Xu, S. J. Zhu* et al., High-spin states and collective oblate bands in 139Nd,Phys. Rev. C 78, 034310 (2008).