报告地点: 物理系三楼报告厅
报告题目:Studying the Quark Gluon Plasma in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions within a parton cascade
报告摘要:Quark-Gluon plasma is suggested as a macroscopic thermodynamic system of quarks and gluons, which are basic building blocks of hadrons. It is a phase of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at extremely high temperature and/or density. The study of QGP is to test QCD at finite temperature and is important to understand the early evolution of our universe. QGP has been created in laboratory at RHIC(USA) and LHC(Europe) by colliding large nuclei at high energy. Experimental data indicate that the QGP is a strongly coupled system like a liquid rather than a weakly interacting gas that one expected. To understand this phenomenon is a challenge. In my talk I will review some of the experimental findings and present our recent results on investigations of QGP phenomena within a transport parton cascade, which is based on the solution of the kinetic Boltzmann uation for quarks and gluons with perturbative QCD inspired interactions.