
Measurement of single atom trajectory in strong coupled cavity QED

2020-08-26    点击:

Speaker:TiancaiZhang,Shanxi University

Venue:16:00, March3, 2011

Date:ZhengYu‐Tong Lecture Hall

Title:Measurement of single atom trajectory in strong coupled cavity QED

Abstract:We have demonstrated the manipulation of single neutral atoms either in free space by micro-optical dipole trap or inside an optical cavity. The trajectory of the single atoms is determined uniquely by using a high-finesse optical micro-cavity. Single atom strongly couples to the high-order transverse TEM10mode, instead of the usual TEM00mode, and the parameters of the system are (g10,k,γ)=2π(20.5,2.6,2.6) MHz.The atoms fall down freely from the magneto-optical trap into the cavity and the trajectories of the single atoms are linear. The transmission spectrums of atoms passing through the TEM10mode are detected by a single photon counting modules and well fitted. Due to the break of the spatial symmetry the degenerate trajectory of the single atom falling through the cavity is eliminated. Atom position with precision of 0.1μm in the off-axis direction is obtained, and the spatial resolution of 5.6μm is achieved in time of 10μs along the vertical direction. The temperature of the atoms in the MOT is also determined by simply counting the atom arrivals with the micro-cavity.