

缪海兴 副教授



北京 100084





2002/09-2006/07  中国科学技术大学   学士,导师:张杨教授

2007/05-2010/09  西澳大利亚大学  博士,导师:David Blair教授,赵春农教授,陈雁北教授(校外)


2010/11-2013/11  加州理工学院  博士后

2014/02-2016/02  英国伯明翰大学  玛丽居里学者

2016/03-2018/07  英国伯明翰大学  讲师,卢瑟福学者、伯明翰学者

2018/08-2021/09  英国伯明翰大学  副教授

2021/10-至今  清华大学物理系  副教授





  1. 千赫兹引力波探测器(探测双中子星并和,研究极端条件下的物质状态)

  2. 具有宇称-时间反演对称性的量子测量方案(实现海森堡极限下的测量)

  3. 非相对论引力的量子效应的检验(设计桌面实验来检验量子引力的模型)

  4. 类轴子的暗物质探测方案(利用激光干涉仪来探测超低质量的暗物质)



2016-2021  卢瑟福学者

2016-2021  伯明翰学者

2016  基础物理学突破奖(作为LIGO组织成员参与引力波的首次探测发现)

2014-2016  欧盟玛丽居里学者

2010  国际引力波协会论文奖 


2020-至今  LIGO科学组织量子噪声工作组组长


以主要作者发表论文60 余篇,其中包括《Living Reviews in Relativity》、《Nature Physics》、《Physics Review X》、《Physics Review Letters》和《Physics Review》,总引用2000 余次(Google Scholar)。作为LIGO组织成员发表论文200余篇,引用40000余次。


  1. A. Datta, and H. Miao, Signatures of the quantum nature of gravity in the differential motion of two masses, Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 045014 (2021).

  2. T. Zhang, P. Jones, J. Smetana, H. Miao, D. Martynov, A. Freise, and S. Ballmer, Two-Carrier Scheme: Evading the 3 dB Quantum Penalty of Heterodyne Readout in Gravitational-Wave Detectors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 221301 (2021).

  3. X. Li, J. Smetana, A. Ubhi, J. Bentley, Y. Chen, Y. Ma, H. Miao, and D. Martynov, Enhancing interferometer sensitivity without sacrificing bandwidth and stability: beyond single-mode and resolved-sideband approximation, Phys. Rev. D 103, 122001 (2021)

  4. J. Bentley, H. Nurdin, Y. Chen, and H. Miao, Direct approach to realizing quantum filters for high-precision measurements, Phys. Rev. A 103, 013707 (2021).

  5. T. Zhang, J. Bentley, and H. Miao, A Broadband Signal Recycling Scheme for Approaching the Quantum Limit from Optical Losses, Galaxies 9, 3 (2021).

  6. H. Miao, D. Martynov, and H. Yang, Quantum correlation of light mediated by gravity, Phys. Rev. A 101, 063804 (2020).

  7. T. Zhang, D. Martynov, A. Freise, and H. Miao, Quantum squeezing schemes for heterodyne readout, Phys. Rev. D 101, 124052 (2020).

  8. D. Martynov, and H. Miao, Quantum-enhanced interferometry for axion searches, Phys. Rev. D 101, 095034 (2020).

  9. J. Beckey, Y. Ma, V. Boyer, and H. Miao, Broadband quantum noise reduction in future
    long baseline gravitational-wave detectors via EPR entanglement
    , Phys. Rev. D 100, 08301 (2019).

  10. J. Bentley, P. Jones, D. Martynov, A. Freise, and H. Miao, Converting the signal-recycling cavity into an unstable optomechanical filter to enhance the detection bandwidth of gravitational-wave detectors, Phys. Rev. D 99, 102001 (2019).

  11. D. Martynov, H. Miao, H. Yang, F. Hernandez Vivanco, E. Thrane, R. Smith, P. Lasky, W. E. East, R. Adhikari, A. Bauswein, A. Brooks, Y. Chen, T. Corbitt, T. Corbitt, H. Grote, Y. Levin, C. Zhao, and A. Vecchio, Exploring the sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors to neutron star physics, Phys. Rev. D 99, 102004 (2019).

  12. S. Danilishin, F. Khalili, and H. Miao, Advanced quantum techniques for future gravitational-wave detectors, Living Reviews in Relativity 22: 2 (2019).

  13. H. Miao, N. Smith, and M. Evans, Quantum limit for laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors from optical dissipation, Phys. Rev. X 9, 011053 (2019).

  14. S. Ma, H. Miao, Y. Xiang, and S. Zhang, Enhanced Dynamic Casimir Effect in Temporally and Spatially Modulated Josephson Transmission Line, Laser & Photonics Reviews 13, 1900164 (2019).

  15. D. Branford, H. Miao, and A. Datta, On the fundamental quantum limits of multi-carrier
     optomechanical sensors
    , Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 110505 (2018).

  16. H. Miao, H. Yang, and D. Martynov, Towards the design of gravitational-wave detectors for neutron-star physics, Phys. Rev. D 98, 044044 (2018).

  17. H. Miao, R. Adhikari, Y. Ma, B. Pang, and Y. Chen, Towards the Fundamental Quantum Limit of Linear Measurements of Classical Signals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 050801 (2017).

  18. Y. Ma, H. Miao, B. Pang, M. Evans, C. Zhao, J. Harms, R. Schnabel, and Y. Chen, Proposal for Gravitational-Wave Detection Beyond the Standard Quantum Limit via EPR  
    , Nature Physics 13, 776 (2017).

  19. H. Miao, General quantum constraints on detector noise in continuous linear measurements, Phys. Rev. A 95, 012103 (2017).

  20. D. Töyrä, D. Brown, M. Davis, S. Song, A. Wormald, J. Harms, H. Miao, and A. Freise, Multi-spatial-mode effects in squeezed-light-enhanced interferometric gravitational wave detectors, Phys. Rev. D 96, 022006 (2017).


  • LSC and Virgo Collaboration, GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 161101 (2017).

LSC and Virgo Collaboration, Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 061102 (2016).