发表学术论文82篇,专著和编书8本,他人引用约1300次,在国内外学术会议作邀请报告约50多次。他与黄昆提出的半导体超晶格光学声子模型被国际上称作“黄朱模型”,被广泛引用,在多本国外专著及研究生教材详细介绍,带动了该领域的发展。他关于量子阱激子旋量的理论和半导体超晶格拉曼散射的理论,在国际上有较大影响。他和合作者系统研究强THz场下半导体中光学过程,提出时间域介观物理理论研究半导体中超快光学过程。他提出双势垒结构共振隧穿中二维与三维电子互相干涉的理论,和合作者关于量子点隧穿中Fano干涉,电声子作用对于共振隧穿和近藤效应的影响,纯自旋流探测等受到国际同行的重视。 主要论文
A. Phonon Physics
1 Bang-fen Zhu and K. A. Chao, "Phonon Modes and Raman Scattering
in GaAs-GaAlAs", Phys. Rev. B 1987, 36, 4906-4914
2 Kun Huang and Bang-fen Zhu, "Long Wavelength Optic Vibrations
in a Superlattice", Phys. Rev. B 1988, 38, 2183-2186
3 Bang-fen Zhu, "Optical Phonon Modes in Superlattices", Phys.Rev. B 1988, 38, 7694-7701
4 Kun Huang and Bang-fen Zhu, "Dielectric Continuum Model and Frohlich Interaction in Superlattices", Phys. Rev. B 1988, 38, 13377-13386
5 Bangfen Zhu, "Optical Phonon Modes and Frohlich Potential in 1D Quantum Well Wires", Phys. Rev. B 1991, 44, 1926-1929
6 Bang-fen Zhu, Kun Huang and Hui Tang, " Exciton Mediated Raman Scattering in Multiple Quantum Wells", Phys. Rev. B 1989, 40, 6299-6303
7 Kun Huang, Bang-fen Zhu and Hui Tang, "Microscopic Theory of Optical Phonon Raman Scattering in Quantum Well Systems", Phys. Rev. B, 1990, 41, 5825-5842.
8 Hui Tang, Bang-fen Zhu and Kun Huang, "Raman scattering in superlattice under an electric field",
Phys. Rev. B 1990 42, 3082-3086.
9 S.L. Zhang, B.F. Zhu, F.M. Huang, Y. Yan, E.Y. Shang, S.S. Fan, W.G. Han, L. d. Zhang, G.W. Men, Effect of Disorders on Optical Phonon Raman Spectra in SiC Nanorods, Solid State Communication 1999, 111, 647-651
10. Jian-zhong Zhang, Bang-fen Zhu, Kun Huang, Comparison of Cooling rates of Hot Carriers in GaAs/AlAs based on Macroscopic and Microscopic Phonon models, Phys. Rev. B 1999 59, 13184-13195
11.Yong-qiang Cheng, Shu-yun Zhou and Bang-fen Zhu, Effect of isotope on Phonon spectra in single-wall carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B 72, 035410 (2005)
12 Jian-zhong Zhang and Bang-fen Zhu “Influence of longitudinal electric field on the hot phonon effect in quantum well” J Appl. Phys. 100,13707-1 13707-9(2006)
13 Yu Chen, N. Regnault, R. Ferreira, Bang-fen Zhu and G. Bastard, Optical-phonon scattering and theory of magneto-polarons in a quantum well in a strong magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 79,235314 (2009)
B. Electronic Structures and Exciton States in Low-Dimensional Systems
1 Bang-fen Zhu and Kun Huang, "Effect of Valence-Band Hybridization on the Exciton Spectra in GaAs-GaAlAs Quantum Wells", Phys. Rev. B, 1987, 36, 8102-8108
2 Bang-fen Zhu, "Oscillator Strength and Optical Selection Rule of Excitons in Quantum Wells",
Phys. Rev. B 1988,37, 4689-4693
3 Bang-fen Zhu, "Exciton Spectra in GaAs/GaAlAs Quantum Wells in an Externally Applied Electric Field", Phys. Rev. B, 1988, 38, 13316-13122
4 Bang-fen Zhu and Y. C. Chang, "Inversion Asymmetry, Hole Mixing, and Enhanced Pockels Effect in Quantum Wells", Phys. Rev. B, 1994, 50 11932-11948
5 Rong Yu, Bang-fen Zhu and Qi-ming Wang,“In-plane optical anisotropy in asymmetric Si1-xGex/Si/Si1-yGey superlattices” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13, L559-L567 (2001)
6 Jun-Qiang Lu, Jian Wu, Wenhui Duan, Feng Liu, Bang-Fen Zhu, Bing-Lin Gu, Metal-to-semiconductor transition in squashed armchair carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (15) 156601 (2003)
7 Pu Yu, Jian Wu, and Bang-Fen Zhu,Enhanced quantum confined Pockels effect in SiGe superlattices,Phys. Rev. B 73,235328 (2006)
C. Quantum Transport and Tunneling
1 Kun Huang and Bang-fen Zhu, "Temperature Dependence of the Low-Field Mobility of Miniband Conduction in Superlattices", Phys. Rev. B, 1992 45, 14404-14407.
2 Bang-fen Zhu and Kun Huang, "Self-Consistent Treatment of 3D-2D and 2D-2D Resonant Tunneling in Double-Barrier Structures", Phys. Rev. B (1993) 48, 4575-4585.
3. Zuo-zi Chen,Rong Lv, Bang-fen Zhu, “Effects of electron-phonon interaction on non-equilibrium transport through single-molecule transistor”Phys. Rev. B 71, 165324 (2005)
4. Hai-zhou Lu,Rong Lv, Bang-fen Zhu, “Tunable Fano effect in parallel-coupled double quantum dot system”, Phys. Rev. B 71, 235320 (2005)
5 Zuo-zi Chen,Rong Lv, Bang-fen Zhu, “Phonon-assisted Kondo Effect in a Single-Molecule Transistor out of Equilibrium”, J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 18, 5435-5446 (2006)
6 Haizhou Lu, Rong Yv, and Bangfen Zhu, Fano effect through Parallel-coupled Double Coulomb Islands,J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 18, 8961–8972(2006)
D. Spintronics
1 Chao-xin Liu, Zhen-gang Zhu, and Bang-fen Zhu, Rashba Interaction as an External Yang-Mills Field Applied to One-Dimensional System, PHYSICA E 32, 391-394 (2006)
2 Jing, Wang,Bang-fen Zhu and Ren-bao Liu, Proposal for Direct Measurement of a Pure Spin Current by a Polarized Light Beam, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 086603 (2008) (Erratum: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 069902 (2008)
3 Chao-Xing Liu, Bin Zhou, Shun-Qing Shen, and Bang-fen Zhu, Current-induced Spin Polarization in Two-Dimensional Hole Gas, Phys. Rev. B. 77 125345 (2008)
E. Quantum Dynamics and Strong THz field Effect
1 Ren-Bao Liu and Bang-fen Zhu, Degenerate four-wave-mixing signals from a both dc- and ac- driven semiconductor superlattice, Phys. Rev. B 1999, 59, 5759-5769
2 Ren-Bao Liu and Bang-fen Zhu, Bloch Oscillation under a Bichromatic Laser: Dynamical Delocalization and Localization, Persistent Terahertz Emission, and Harmonics Generation,
EuroPhys. Lett. 2000, 50, 526-532
3 Ren-Bao Liu and Bang-fen Zhu, Dynamic Fano Resonance of Quasienergy Excitons in Superlattices,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 12, L741-L747 (2000)
4 Ren-Bao Liu and Bang-fen Zhu, Adiabatic stabilization of excitons in an intense terahertz laser, Phys. Rev. B 66 0331106(2002)
5 Ren-Bao Liu and Bang-fen Zhu, Dynamical quantum interference and its controllability in semiconductors irradiated by an intense teraherts laser, Physica E 17 (1-4) 191-196 (2003)
6 Ren-bao Liu, Bang-fen Zhu,Nonlinear optics of semiconductors under an intense terahertz field,Phys Rev B68, 195206(2003)
7 Ren-Bao Liu and Bang-fen Zhu, Difference-frequency processes in biased superlattices for terahertz emission, Applied Physics Letter 84, 2730-2732(2004)
8 Renbao Liu, Bang-fen Zhu, High-order THz-sideband generation in semiconductors,AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 893 1455-1456 (2007)
9 Jie-yun Yan, Ren-bao Liu, Bang-fen Zhu, Exciton absorption in semiconductor superlattices in a strong longitudinal THz field, New J. Phys. 11 083004 (2009)
1. J. B. Xia, Z. Z. Gan, G. G. Qin, R.Q. Han, G.Z. Yang, Z.T. Zhong, H.Z. Zheng, and B.F. Zhu(Ed), "Lattice Dynamics and Semiconductor Physics Festschrift for Professor K. Huang" World Scientific (Singapore) 1990.
2.夏建白、朱邦芬,半导体超晶格物理,上海科学技术出版社 1995.
3. X. Y. Li, Z.M. Qiu, D. H. Shen, H.Z. Zheng and B.F. Zhu(Ed), " Superlattice and Surface Physics", CCAST-WL Workshop Series: Vol.8, Beijing, 1991.
4.Bang-fen Zhu(Ed),“Selected papers of Kun Huang with Commentary”, World Scientific (Singapore) 2000.
5. Shu-lin Zhang, Bang-fen Zhu(Ed), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2000)
6. 朱邦芬,黄昆——声子物理第一人,“国家最高科学技术奖获奖人丛书”,上海科学技术出版社,2002
7. 朱邦芬,黄昆,“中国当代著名科学家”,贵州人民出版社,2004
8. 秦国刚,甘子钊,夏建白,朱邦芬,李树深(编),“黄昆文集”,北京大学出版社 2004
9. 朱邦芬(编著), “清华物理80年”, 清华大学出版社 (北京), 2006
10. 朱邦芬 冯正和(主编), “纪念孟昭英教授百年诞辰”, 清华大学出版社 (北京),2006
物理学史、物理学家、物理教育 文章
朱邦芬. 半导体超晶格的电子态与声子模理论. 《中国科学院院刊》,1997,12:287
朱邦芬. 中国科学先驱:黄昆. 《科学》,2000,52(3):37
朱邦芬,黄昆对物理学的贡献,《发光学报》 24(1)1-7 (2003)
朱邦芬 追忆黄昆先生的宗师风范,《名师风范——忆黄昆》,陈辰嘉、虞丽生主编,北京大学出版社,204-215页(2008)
朱邦芬 王青,实践叶企孙先生教育思想,《物理》,38卷,第9期,671-674页(2009)