




北京 100084










曾经讲授课程:“量子与统计”“固体物理” “固体物理(II)”






3. 纳米结构的电子性质、生长过程的亚稳态及其动力学的研究。


1、国家自然科学基金课题 (11774195),二维硼基结构的磁性质和超导电性的研究, 2018年1月-2021年12月,课题负责人。


3、国家自然科学基金课题(11374175),耦合异质层纳米结构及其磁有序的研究, 2014年1月-2017年12月,课题负责人。

4、国家自然科学基金课题(11174171),硅纳米结构及其性质的研究, 2012年1月至2015年12月,课题负责人。

5、国家自然科学基金课题(10974107),一维硼碳纳米结构及其性质的研究, 2010年1月-2012年12月,课题负责人。

6、教育部博士点基金(200800030069),低维合金生长动力学相图的研究,2009年1月-2011年12月, 课题负责人。

7、国家自然科学基金课题(10674076),合金薄膜外延生长动力学及新型结构形成机理的研究,2007年1月-2009年12月, 课题负责人。


9、973国家重点基础发展规划课题(G2000067107),新型低维光电子材料计算设计, 2000年4月-2005年9月,课题负责人。



12、教育部《跨世纪优秀人才培养计划》基金, 2001年-2003年,课题负责人。

13、国家自然科学基金课题(19804007),多组元合金亚稳态及其动力学的研究, 1999年1月-2001年12月,课题负责人。

14、教委回国留学人员基金,半导体合金的结构及性能预测, 1992年-1994年,课题负责人。

15、国家863计划课题(715-010-0011),材料微观结构形成机制和性能预测, 1996年1月-2000年12月,主要承担人。

16、国家863计划课题(22-02-01),半导体合金和超晶格材料的结构及性能预测, 1989年-1995年,主要承担人。






5、 2000年清华大学“学术新人奖”。


主要从事计算凝聚态物理的研究。在Phys. Rev. Lett., Appl.Phys.Lett., Phys. Rev.B等国内外刊物上发表论文约190余篇,其中SCI收录的论文160余篇。


Jun Ni, Principles of Physics: From Quantum Field Theory to Classical Mechanics, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2014. (https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/10627)


1.Xinming Wang, Yinchang Zhao, Shuming Zeng, Zhuchi Wang, Ying Chen, and Jun Ni, Cubic halide perovskites as potential low thermal conductivity materials: A combined approach of machine learning and first-principles calculations. Physical Review B 105, 014310 (2022).

2.Xianqing Lin, Haotian Zhu, and Jun Ni, High pressure induced secondary and tertiary gaps in relaxed graphene on hexagonal boron nitride. Physical Review B 105, 075424 (2022).

3.A. Islam, M. Zulfiqar, S. Nazir and Jun Ni, Robust half-metallic spin-gap in Co2CrAl: doping and strain engineering, Phys. Scr. 97, 035801 (2022)

4.Zhuchi Wang, Shuming Zeng, Yinchang Zhao, Xinming Wang, and Jun Ni, Three-gap superconductivity in two-dimensional InB2/InB4 films. Physical Review B 104, 174519 (2021).

5.Jun Ni, Quantum Field Theory Formulated as a Markov Process Determined by Local Configuration, Foundations of Physics 51, 74 (2021).

6.Xianqing Lin, Kelu Su, and Jun Ni, Misalignment instability in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene on hexagonal boron nitride, 2D Materials 8, 025025 (2021).

7.Xianqing Lin, Haotian Zhu, and Jun Ni, Emergence of intrinsically isolated flat bands and their topology in fully relaxed twisted multilayer graphene. Physical Review B 104, 125421 (2021).

8.Jiawei Wang, Yuyi Wei, Yifan He, Cunzheng Dong, Xianqing Lin, Huaihao Chen, Xianfeng Liang, Chengju Yu, Mingmin Zhu, Yi Zhang, Jun Ni, Nian X. Sun, Thermal annealing on the soft magnetism, microwave properties, and magnetostriction in Co-Fe-C alloy films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 874, 159783 (2021).

9.A. Islam, M. Zulfiqar, S. Nazir, Jun Ni, Strain-Modulated Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Co2TMAl, Materials Today Communications 26, 101764 (2021).

10.Yang Gao, Xianqing Lin, Thomas Smart, Penghong Ci, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Raymond Jeanloz, Jun Ni, Junqiao Wu, Band Engineering of Large-Twist-Angle Graphene=h-BN Moire Superlattices with Pressure, Physical Review Letters 125, 226403 (2020).

11.Xianqing Lin and Jun Ni, Symmetry breaking in the double moire superlattices of relaxed twisted bilayer graphene on hexagonal boron nitride. Physical Review B 102, 035441 (2020).

12.Jianye Liu, Yinchang Zhao, Zhenhong Dai, Jun Ni, and Sheng Meng, Low thermal conductivity and good thermoelectric performance in mercury chalcogenides, Computational Materials Science 185, 109960 (2020).

13.Yinchang Zhao, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Zhenhong Dai, Sheng Meng, and Jun Ni, Anomalous electronic and thermoelectric transport properties in cubic Rb3AuO antiperovskite, Physical Review B 102, 094314 (2020).

14.Xinming Wang, Shuming Zeng, Zhuchi Wang and Jun Ni, Identification of Crystalline Materials with Ultra-Low Thermal Conductivity Based on Machine Learning Study, J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 8488−8495 (2020).

15.Xianqing Lin, Haotian Zhu, and Jun Ni, Pressure-induced gap modulation and topological transitions in twisted bilayer and twisted double bilayer graphene, Physical Review B 101, 155405 (2020).

16.Yinchang Zhao, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Zhenhong Dai, Sheng Meng, and Jun Ni, Quartic anharmonicity and anomalous thermal conductivity in cubic antiperovskites A3BO (A = K, Rb; B = Br, Au), Physical Review B 101, 184303 (2020).

17.Yinchang Zhao, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Zhenhong Dai, Sheng Meng, and Jun Ni, MgB4 trilayer film: A four-gap superconductor, Physical Review B 101, 104507 (2020).

18.Shuming Zeng, Yinchang Zhao, Geng Li, Ruirui Wang, Xinming Wang, and Jun Ni, Atom table convolutional neural networks for an accurate prediction of compounds properties, npj Computational Materials 5, 84 (2019).

19.Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Yinchang Zhao, Ruirui Wang, and Jun Ni, Machine Learning-Aided Design of Materials with Target Elastic Properties, J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 5042–5047 (2019).

20.X. Lin and Jun Ni, Effective lattice model of graphene moiré superlattices on hexagonal boron nitride, Phys. Rev. B 100, 195413 (2019).

21.X. Lin and Jun Ni, Layer-dependent intrinsic anomalous Hall effect in Fe3GeTe2, Phys. Rev. B 100, 085403 (2019).

22.Yinchang Zhao, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Zhenhong Dai, Sheng Meng, and Jun Ni, Two-gap and three-gap superconductivity in AlB2-based films, Phys. Rev. B 100, 094516 (2019).

23.Yun-Hua Cheng, Ji-Hai Liao, Yu-Jun Zhao, Jun Ni, Xiao-Bao Yang, Theoretical investigations on stable structures of C60-nNn (n=2-12): Symmetry, model interaction, and global optimization, Carbon 154, 140-149 (2019).

24.Jiawei Wang, Cunzheng Dong, Yuyi Wei, Xianqing Lin, Benson Athey, Yunpeng Chen, Andrew Winter, Gregory M. Stephen, Don Heiman, Yifan He, Huaihao Chen, Xianfeng Liang, Chengju Yu, Yujia Zhang, Elizabeth J. Podlaha-Murphy, Mingmin Zhu, Xinjun Wang, Jun Ni, Michael McConney, John Jones, Michael Page, Krishnamurthy Mahalingam, and Nian X. Sun, Magnetostriction, Soft Magnetism, and Microwave Properties in Co-Fe-C Alloy Films, Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 034011 (2019).

25.Muhammad Zulfiqar, Yinchang Zhao, Geng Li, Zheng Cao Li , and Jun Ni, Intrinsic Thermal conductivities of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides MX2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se, Te), Scientific Reports 9, 4571 (2019).

26.Ruirui Wang, Shuming Zeng, Xinming Wang, and Jun Ni, Machine learning for hierarchical prediction of elastic properties in Fe-Cr-Al system, Computational Materials Science 166, 119–123 (2019).

27.Y. N. Wu, W. Q. Liu, S. T. Zhao, Y. S. Huang, and Jun Ni, Prediction of electronic structures and transport properties of SnS2/BN heterostructures by the density functional theory, AIP Advances 9, 085125 (2019).

28.Ruirui Wang, Xiao Zhang, Huaiyu Wang, and Jun Ni, Phase diagrams and elastic properties of the Fe-Cr-Al alloys: A first principles based study, Calphad 64, 55 (2019).

29.Geng Li, Yinchang Zhao, Shuming Zeng, M. Zulfiqar, and Jun Ni, Strain Effect on the Superconductivity in Borophenes, J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 16916−16924 (2018).

30.Geng Li, Yinchang Zhao, Shuming Zeng, M. Zulfiqar, Lin-Wang Wang, and Jun Ni, Lattice-matched heterojunctions between blue phosphorene and MXene Y2CX2 (X=F, O, and Y=Zr, Hf), Computational Materials Science 152, 256–261 (2018).

31.Yinchang Zhao, Shuming Zeng, Chao Lian, Zhenhong Dai, Sheng Meng, and Jun Ni, Multigap anisotropic superconductivity in borophenes, Phys. Rev. B 98, 134514 (2018).

32.Yinchang Zhao, Xi Chen, Zhenhong Dai, Chao Zhang, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Sheng Meng, and Jun Ni, Robust quantum spin Hall state and quantum anomalous Hall state in graphenelike BC3 with adatoms, New J. Phys. 20, 073047 (2018).

33.Yinchang Zhao, Zhenhong Dai, Chao Zhang, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Sheng Meng, and Jun Ni, Intrinsic electronic transport and thermoelectric power factor in n-type doped monolayer MoS2, New J. Phys. 20, 043009 (2018).

34.Jingzhong Zhu, Yinchang Zhao, Muhammad Zulfiqar, Shuming Zeng, and Jun Ni, Electronic and magnetic properties of Fe-, Co-, and Ni-decorated BC3: A first-principles study, Physics Letters A 382, 1395-1400 (2018).

35.Jingzhong Zhu, Muhammad Zulfiqar, Shuming Zeng, Yinchang Zhao, and Jun Ni, Magnetic properties of X-C2N (X=Cl, Br and I) monolayers: A first-principles study, AIP Advances 8, 055333 (2018).

36.X. Lin and Jun Ni, Topological phase transition due to strain-controlled evolution of the inverted bands in 1T’-MX2, Phys. Rev. B 95, 245436 (2017).

37.Yinchang Zhao, Zhenhong Dai, Chao Zhang, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Sheng Meng, Jun Ni, High thermopower and potential thermoelectric properties of crystalline LiH and NaH, Phys. Rev. B 95, 014307 (2017).

38.Yinchang Zhao, Zhenhong Dai, Chao Zhang, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Jun Ni, and Sheng Meng, Low lattice thermal conductivity and good thermoelectric performance of cinnabar, Physical Review Materials 1, 065401 (2017).

39.Xinlei Li, Jun Ni, Ruiqin Zhang, A Thermodynamic Model of Diameter- and Temperature-dependent Semiconductor Nanowire Growth, Scientific Reports 7, 15029 (2017).

40.Jingzhong Zhu, Yinchang Zhao, Shuming Zeng, Jun Ni, Half-metallicity in hole-doped nitrogenated honey graphene: A first-principles study, Physics Letters A 381, 1097–1101 (2017).

41.Xiuxian Yang, Yinchang Zhao, Zhenhong Dai, Muhammad Zulfiqar, Jingzhong Zhu, Jun Ni, Thermal expansion induced reduction of lattice thermal conductivity in light crystals, Physics Letters A 381, 3514–3518 (2017).

42.X. Lin and Jun Ni, Topologically insulating states in ternary transition metal dichalcogenides, Journal of Applied Physics 121, 024303 (2017).

43.X. Lin and Jun Ni, Switch effect of the nonquantized intrinsic spin Hall conductivity in monolayered monoclinic transition metal dichalcogenides, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 295302 (2017).

44.Y. N. Wu, P. Cheng, M. J. Wu, H. Zhu, Q. Xiang, Jun Ni, Electronic structure and transport properties of quasi-one-dimensional carbon nanomaterials, AIP Advances 7, 095104 (2017).

45.Muhammad Zulfiqar, Yinchang Zhao, Geng Li, Safdar Nazir, and Jun Ni, Tunable Conductivity and Half Metallic Ferromagnetism in Monolayer Platinum Diselenide: A First-Principles Study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 25030–25036, (2016).

46.Shuming Zeng, Yinchang Zhao, Geng Li, and Jun Ni, Strongly enhanced superconductivity in doped monolayer MoS2 by strain, Phys. Rev. B 94, 024501 (2016).

47.Y. C. Zhao, Shuming Zeng and Jun Ni, Superconductivity in two-dimensional boron allotropes, Phys. Rev. B 93, 014502 (2016).

48.Y. C. Zhao, Shuming Zeng and Jun Ni, Phonon-mediated superconductivity in borophenes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 242601 (2016).

49.Y. C. Zhao, M. Zulfiqar and Jun Ni, Strong coupling between magnetization and electric polarization in BC3 sheet adsorbed with Li, Na, K, and Ca, Solid State Communications 226, 13-18 (2016).

50.Y. C. Zhao, M. Zulfiqar and Jun Ni, Dirac-like fermions and node-loop features in bilayer BC3 sheet sandwiching a triangular alkaline metal layer, Physics Letters A 380, 475-479 (2016).

51.Geng Li, Yinchang Zhao, Shuming Zeng, and Jun Ni, The realization of half-metal and spin-semiconductor for metal adatoms on arsenene, Applied Surface Science 390, 60–67 (2016).

52.Xianqing Lin and Jun Ni, Magnetism and electronic phase transitions in monoclinic transition metal dichalcogenides with transition metal atoms embedded, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 064305 (2016).

53.Rui Zheng, Ying Chen, and Jun Ni, Highly tunable magnetism in silicene doped with Cr and Fe atoms under isotropic and uniaxial tensile strain, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 263104 (2015);

54.Xi Chen, Yu-Gui Yao, Hong Yao, Fan Yang, and Jun Ni, Topological p+ip superconductivity in doped graphene-like single-sheet materials BC3, Phys. Rev. B 92, 174503 (2015).

55.Xianqing Lin and Jun Ni, Insulator-metal transition in 1T'-MoS2 under uniaxial strain, Physics Letters A 379, 2883–2889 (2015).

56.Xianqing Lin and Jun Ni, Dirac points and van Hove singularities of silicene under uniaxial strain, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 164305 (2015).

57.Chao Lian and Jun Ni, The effects of thermal and electric fields on the electronic structures of silicone, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17, 13366-13373(2015).

58.Yuhang Wang, Kehan Zhao, Xiaolan Shi, Geng Li, Guanlin Xie, Xubo Lai, Jun Ni and Liuwan Zhang, Mechanical writing of n-type conductive layers on the SrTiO3 surface in nanoscale, Scientific Reports 5,10841 (2015).

59.L.L. Li, J. Ni, W. Xu, Strong terahertz absorption in long-period InAs/GaSb type-II superlattices with inverted band structures, Superlattices and Microstructures 80, 1-10 (2015).

60.Geng Li, Yin-Chang Zhao, Rui Zheng, Jun Ni and Yan-Ning Wu, Modulation of electronic properties with external fields in silicene-based nanostructures, Chin. Phys. B 24, 087302 (2015).

61.Rui Zheng, Xianqing Lin, and Jun Ni, The extraordinary magnetoelectric response in silicene doped with Fe and Cr atoms, Applied Physics Letters 105, 092410 (2014).

62.Yin Chang Zhao and Jun Ni, Spin-semiconducting properties in silicene nanoribbons, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 15477 (2014).

63.Xianqing Lin and Jun Ni, Charge and magnetic states of Mn-, Fe-, and Co-doped monolayer MoS2, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 044311 (2014).

64.Longlong Li, Jun Ni, Wen Xu, Long-Period InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattices for Terahertz Application, Journal of Modern Physics 5, 1880-1888 (2014).

65.Yi Ding, Yanli Wang, Lin Shi, Zhongjie Xu, and Jun Ni, Anisotropic elastic behavior and one-dimensional metal in phosphorene, Phys. Status Solidi RRL 8, 939–942 (2014).

66.Yanning Wu, Kaiyin Zhang, Yinsheng Huang, Shan Wu, Hui Zhu, Ping Cheng, and Jun Ni, Superlattice structures of silicene-based armchair nanoribbons by density functional theory calculation, Eur. Phys. J. B 87, 94 (2014).

67.林现庆, 陈曦, 倪军, 二维硼碳基纳米结构上的吸附及其性质, 计算物理31253 (2014).

68.Xianqing Lin, Chao Lian, and Jun Ni, Tailoring of the structural, energetic and electronic properties of silicene-based nanostructures, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 491, 012005 (2014).

69.Xi Chen and Jun NiFermi surface nesting and magnetic quantum phase transition in graphenelike BC3: A first-principles studyPhys. Rev. B 88, 115430 (2013).

70.Chao Lian, Jun Ni, Strain induced phase transitions in silicene bilayers: a first principles and tight-binding study, AIP Advances 3, 052102 (2013).

71.Chao Lian, Zailin Yang, Jun Ni, Strain modulated electronic properties of silicon nanoribbons with armchair edges, Chem. Phys. Lett., 561-56277 (2013).

72.Xianqing Lin, Jun Ni, and Chao Fang, Adsorption capacity of H2O, NH3, CO, and NO2 on the pristine graphene, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 034306 (2013).

73.Xi Chen and Jun NiPredicted ferromagnetism in hole doped armchair nanoribbons: A first principles studyChem. Phys. Lett. 555, 173 (2013).

74.Yanli Wang, Yi Ding, and Jun Ni, Stereo Boron Nitride Nanoribbons with Junction-Dependent Electronic Structures from First-Principles, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 5995−6003 (2012).

75.Yailin Yang and Jun Ni, Li-doped BC3 sheet for high-capacity hydrogen storage, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 183109 (2012).

76.Xianqing Lin and Jun Ni, Much stronger binding of metal adatoms to silicene than to graphene: A first-principles study, Phys. Rev. B 86, 075440 (2012).

77.Xianqing Lin and Jun Ni, Electronic and magnetic properties of substitutionally Fe-, Co-, and Nidoped BC3 honeycomb structure, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 034309 (2012).

78.Chao Lian, Jun NiThe structural and electronic properties of silicon nanoribbons on Ag(110): A first principles studyPhysica B407, 4695–4699 (2012).

79.Lei Feng, Xianqing Lin, Lan Meng, Jia-Cai Nie, Jun Ni, and Lin HeFlat bands near Fermi level of topological line defects on graphiteAppl. Phys. Lett. 101, 113113 (2012).

80.Jun Ni, Unification of General Relativity with Quantum Field Theory, Chin. Phys. Lett.  28, 110401 (2011).

81.Yingying Li, Jun Ni, The stable CaBe2Ge2 structures in antimonide compounds ATM2Sb2(A = Ca, Sr, Ba; TM = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu): A first-principles study, Physics Letters A 375, 4218–4224 (2011).

82.Yanli Wang, Yi Ding, and Jun Ni, Electronic structures of Fe-terminated armchair boron nitride nanoribbons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 053123 (2011).

83.Jun Ni, Solutions without a maximum mass limit of the general relativistic field equations for neutron stars, Science China, Phys. Mech. Astron. 54 1304 (2011).

84.Xianqing Lin and Jun Ni, Half-metallicity in graphene nanoribbons with topological line defects, Phys. Rev. B 84, 075461 (2011).

85.Yingying Li, Jun Ni, The stable structures of iron pnictides AFeAs (A = alkali and alkaline-earth metals): A first principles study, Solid State Comm. 151, 446–450 (2011).

86.Jun Ni and Zailin Yang, The first-principles study of low dimensional boron and carbon nanostructures (in Chinese). Sci Sin Phys Mech Astron. 41, 369–376 (2011).

87.Yi Ding, Yanli Wang, Jun Ni, Lin Shi, Siqi Shi, Chaorong Li, Weihua Tang, First-principles study of half-metallicity in semihydrogenated BC3, BC5, BC7, and B-doped graphone sheets, Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 190 (2011).

88.Yi Ding, Yanli Wang, Jun Ni, Lin Shi, Siqi Shi, Weihua Tang, First principles study of structural, vibrational and electronic properties of graphene-like MX2 (M=Mo, Nb, W, Ta; X=S, Se, Te) monolayersPhysica B 406, 2254–2260 (2011).

89.Zhongjie Xu, Zhenghong Dai, and Jun Ni, Structures of CoAl(111) surface: A first principles study, Applied Surface Science, 257,  3341–3345 (2011).

90.Jiangling Pan, Jun Ni, Bingchu Yang, Magnetic properties for the transition-metal aluminides XAl2 (X = V, Cr, Mn, and Co): A first-principles study, Computational Materials Science, 50, 2433–2438 (2011).

91.Zailin Yang and Jun Ni, Hydrogen storage on calcium-decorated BC3 sheet: A first principles study, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 253117 (2010).

92.Yi Ding, Yanli Wangand Jun Ni, Structural, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties of Defects in the BC3 Sheet from First Principles, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 12416–12421(2010).

93.Yanli Wang, Yi Ding, Jun Ni, Siqi Shi,Chaorong Li,and Jianjun Shi, Electronic structures of fully fluorinated and semifluorinated zinc oxide sheets, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 213117 (2010).

94.Yanli Wang, Yi Ding, and Jun Ni, Fluorination-induced half-metallicity in zigzag boron nitride nanoribbons: First-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B 81, 193407 (2010).

95.ZhaoQing Liu and Jun Ni, Magnetism induced by nonmagnetic dopants in zinc-blende SiC: First-principle calculations, Science China 53, 1–10 (2010).

96.Jiangling Pan, Jun Ni, Bingchu Yang and Zhenhong Dai, Dopings in the transition-metal aluminides OsAl2 to obtain materials with high spin polarization: A first-principles study, Physics Letters A 374, 4909–4914 (2010).

97.Zailin Yang, Lin Shi, Jun Ni, A computational study of kinetic phase diagrams for CoPt alloy films during epitaxial growth, Thin Solid Films, 518, 4860–4867 (2010).

98.Jiangling Pan, Jun Ni, and Bingchu Yang, Stability of FeAl(110) alloy surface structures: a first-principles study, Eur. Phys. J. B 73, 367–373 (2010).

99.Jiangling Pan, Jun Ni, and Bingchu Yang, Surface structures of Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5(001) Heusler alloys: A first-principles study, Physica B 405 1580–1585 (2010).

100.Zhongjie Xu and Jun Ni, Au–K co-deposition on MgO(2L)/Ag(001): A first principles study, Computational Materials Science 48, 719–723 (2010).

101.Zailin Yang and Jun Ni, Modulation of electronic properties of hexagonal boron nitride bilayers by an electric field: A first principles study, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 104301 (2010).

102.Yi Ding and Jun Ni, Tuning Electronic Properties of Hydro-Boron-Carbon Compounds by Hydrogen and Boron Contents: A First Principles Study, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 18468 (2009).

103.Yanli Wang, Yi Ding, and Jun Ni, First-principles study of pressure effects on CaFe2As2 and BaFe2As2, Solid State Comm. 149, 2125 (2009) .

104.Yi Ding and Jun Ni, Electronic structures of silicon nanoribbons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 083115 (2009).

105.Yi Ding, Yanli Wangand Jun Ni, The stabilities of boron nitride nanoribbons with different hydrogen-terminated edges, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 233107 (2009).

106.Yi Ding, Yanli Wangand Jun Ni, Electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons embedded in boron nitride sheets, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 123105 (2009).

107.Yi Ding, Yanli Wangand Jun Ni, Electronic structures of BC3 nanoribbons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 073111 (2009).

108.Xiaobao Yang, R.Q. Zhang, and Jun Ni, Stable calcium adsorbates on carbon nanostructures: Applications for high-capacity hydrogen storage, Phys. Rev. B 79, 075431 (2009).

109.Zhongjie Xu and Jun Ni, CoAl(001) surface structures: a kinetic Monte Carlo simulation, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 445005 (2009).

110.Yanli Wang and Jun Ni, Pressure-induced structural phase transitions on Na0.5CoO2: a first principles study J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 155401 (2009).

111.Yanli Wang, Yi Ding, and Jun Ni, Ground state phase diagram of NaxCoO2: correlation of Na ordering with CoO2 stacking sequences J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 035401 (2009).

112.Zhaoqing Liu, Jun Ni, Xiaoao Su, and Zhenhong Dai, Layered growth model and epitaxial growth structures for SiCAlN alloysPhysica B 404, 1840 (2009).

113.Zhongjie Xu, Zhihao Hao, Jun Ni, and S. Iwata, Path of ordering under confinement in alloy films, Thin Solid Films 517, 1848 (2009).

114.Yi Ding, Yanli Wang, and Jun Ni, Electronic and magnetic properties of 3d transition-metal selenides from first principles, Solid State Comm. 149, 505 (2009).

115.Yi DingXiaobao Yang, and Jun Ni, Electronic structures of boron nanoribbons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 043107 (2008).

116.Xiaobao Yang, Yi Ding, and Jun Ni, Ab initio prediction of stable boron sheets and boron nanotubes: Structure, stability and electronic properties, Phys. Rev. B 77, 041402(R) (2008).

117.Lin Shi and Jun Ni, Kinetic-anisotropy-induced ordering-orientation transitions calculated in CoPt alloys under various epitaxial growth conditions, Phys. Rev. B 77 035407 (2008).

118.Yanli Wang and Jun Ni, Ground state structure of sodium ions in NaxCoO2: A combined Monte Carlo and first-principles approach, Phys. Rev. B 76, 094101 (2007).

119.Yi Sun, Xiaobao Yang and Jun Ni, Bonding differences between single iron atoms versus iron chains with carbon nanotubes: First-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B 76, 035407 (2007).

120.Yanli Wang and Jun Ni, Effect of electronic correlation on the Na ordering of NaxCoO2, J. Phys.-Condes. Matter 19, 086203 (2007).

121.Zhenhong Dai, Jun Ni, Yuming Sun and Weitian Wang, Dynamical behavior of electron transport in AlGaAs/GaAs double-barrier structures under a high-frequency radiation field, Eur. Phys. J. B 60, 439 (2007).

122.Zhaoqing Liu and Jun Ni, The electronic properties of SiCAlN quaternary compounds, Eur. Phys. J. B 59, 29 (2007).

123.Xiaobao Yang and Jun Ni, Alkali atoms Intercalating induced Metal-semiconductor and semiconductor-semiconductor transitions in Carbon Nanotubes, Solid State Phenomena 121-123, 1003 (2007).

124.石林,倪军 利用外延生长中动力学各向异性制备有序取向周期转变超晶格的方法, 物理 36, 95 (2007).

125.Lin Shi and Jun NiKinetic-Anisotropy-Induced Ordering-Orientation Transition in Epitaxial Growth: A Method to Synthesize Ordering-Orientation Superlattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 126105 (2006).

126.Yi Ding and Jun Ni, Ground states of diatomic molecules adsorbed on single-walled carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B.74, 235414 (2006).

127.Xiaobao Yang and Jun Ni, Calculations of hydrogen coverage on single-walled carbon nanotubes: Dependence on nanotube size, temperature, and pressure, Phys. Rev. B 74, 195437 (2006).

128.Zhenhong Dai and Jun Ni, Mesoscopic terahertz photoelectric switch, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 192107 (2006).

129.Zhenhong Dai and Jun Ni, Tuning bistability and current hysteresis in resonant-tunneling structures, Phys. Rev. B 73, 113309 (2006).

130.Jiangling Pan and Jun Ni, Phase diagrams of fcc alloy films, Physica B 373, 198 (2006).

131.Zhenhong Dai and Jun Ni, Effect of bias step on the I-V curve in double-barrier AlGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs resonant-tunnelling devices, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 960 (2006).

132.Zhenhong Dai and Jun Ni, Electron transport properties through double-barrier structures sandwiching a wide band-gap layer, Physica E 31, 174 (2006).

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