



北京 100084






安徽无为县人。 2000年自新加坡国立大学获理学博士学位,导师:胡祖协(Oh Choo Hiap)教授。

2000.10~2006.05 日本科学技术振兴机构博士后研究员。

2006.09~ 清华大学物理系教授,博士生导师,入选清华百人计划。


2007年秋季普物3(光学+量子物理) 正在指导的博士生有5名。欢迎对量子信息感兴趣的同学加入我们。我们长期招收直博生(5年),普博生(3年)以及博士后(2年)。







1. 在实用量子密码理论方面我们提出了两个新方案:

(1) 提出了三强度诱骗信号量子密码方案,使得以若相干态为源的量子密码分布的安全距离从原来20公里大幅度提高到120公里至150公里左右。此成果为近年来实用量子密码理论之最重要结果之一。此结果使量子密码具有了立即的实用价值。(详情见 X.-B.Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 230503 (2005);以及X.-B. Wang, Phys. Rev. A., July, 2005。) 本理论结果已经被美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室会同美国国家标准计量局,维也纳大学,清华-中国科技大学等实验小组独立证实。(见2007年1月号Phys. Rev. Lett.上的三篇独立实验论文。)

2005年8月就量子密码之诱骗信号方法为著名国际学术会议EQIS05 (2005,Aug 26-29, Tokyo)作大会邀请报告。于2005年7月 为第14届国际激光物理学会议作邀请报告。[14th International Laser PHYSICS WORKSHOP, (4-7, the Keihanna Plaza Hotel, Kyoto, Japan)]。于2005年5月,在维也 纳召开的QUPON/QIPC会议上作口头报告。目前,该论文的理论结论已经被国际主要实验小组的10多个公开发表的实验证实。

(2) 提出了一种高容错率的量子密码方案。该方案将BB-84方案之容错率提高到26%; 将 6态方案之容错率提高到30%。我们的方案是现有基于光子偏振方案中容错率最高的。(详细内容见:Xiang-Bin Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 077902 (2004)。

2. 在基于线性光学的量子信息处理方法上,我们提出了若干具有重大影响的实验方法。 其中包括:

(1) 量子拒错码实验方案。该方案体现了量子纠错码的基本精神,同时在量子密码技术中居重要地位。以往方案至少需要五个量子比特,使得实验验证极为困难。我们的方案只要三个量子比特 (Xiang-Bin Wang, Phys. Rev. A 69, 022320(2004) 我是唯一 作者) 。本 方案已为中国科学技术大学采用,获得实验证实。

(2) 非后向选择的纠缠提炼方案。此方案为目前所有方案中唯一的非后向选择方案。此前,所有纠缠提炼方案皆为向选择方案,即,当纠缠提炼任务完成时,所有量子态都已被毁掉。使用我们的新方案,在纠缠提炼任务完成后,可以得到真正完好的高度纠缠态。详细内容见:Xiang-Bin Wang and Heng Fan, Phys. Rev. A68 (Rapid Communication), 060302(2003)。

3. 在量子信息的数学理论方面,我们有下列主要成果:

(1) 对连续变量纠缠态理论给出重要方法与结论。一是首次将纠缠判别映入算符空间并对高斯形态之纠缠给出充分必要条件。二是首次证明两模压缩态在phase-damping 通道上永远保持纠缠。详细内容见:Xiang-Bin Wang, A. Tomita, and K. Matsumoto, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 137903(2001)。

(2) 我们首次严格证明以线性光学器件经典态的操作不可能获得纠缠。我们还给出压缩态在线性光学器件操作下达纠缠性质。 (X.-B. Wang, Phys. Rev. A 66, 064304 (2002) 以及 Phys. Rev. A 66, 024303 (2002) 。

4. 在容错量子计算方面,我们研究了几何位相量子计算。

我们首次提出非绝热近似下的几何位相量子计算实现方案。牛津大学小组首先提出绝热近似几何位相量子计算实现我们去掉了绝热近似条件. Xiang-Bin Wang and K. Matsumoto, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 097901(2001)。


参加或主持的在研项目:863(2008.1-2010.12,主持), 973(2007-2012,参加)


Selected Publications:


1. X. B. Wang,T. Hiroshima,A. Tomita, and M. Hayashi, "Quantum Information with Gaussian States'', Physics Reports, 448, 1(2007).

B. Research papers in Physical Review Letters or Rapid Communications:

2. Shu-Chao Wang, Ying Li, Xiang-Bin Wang, and Leong Chuan Kwek, “Operator Quantum Zeno Effect: Protecting Quantum Information with Noisy Two-Qubit Interactions ’, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 100505(2013).

3. Peng CZ, Zhang J, Yang D, Gao WB, Ma HX, Yin H, Zeng HP, Yang T, Wang XB, Pan JW, "Experimental long-distance decoy-state quantum key distribution based on polarization encoding'', Phys. Rev. Lett., 98 , 010505 (2007)

4. X. B. Wang , "Beating the photon-number-splitting attack in practical quantum cryptography'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 230503 (2005).

5. X. B. Wang, "Quantum Key Distribution with Two-Qubit Quantum Codes'', Phys. Rev. Lett. , 92, 077902 (2004).

6. X. B. Wang and Fan Heng, "Entanglement concentration by ordinary linear optical devices without post-selection'', Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) 68, 060302 (2003).

7. X. B. Wang and K. Matsumoto Keiji, "Nonadiabatic Conditional Geometric Phase Shift with NMR,'' Phys. Rev. Lett, 87, 097901 (2001).

8. X. B. Wang, K. Matsumoto, and A. Tomita, "Detecting the Inseparability and Distillability of Continuous Variable States in Fock Space'', Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 137903 (2001).

9. Q. Zhang, X. B. Wang, Y.A. Chen, W.Y. Hwang, T. Yang and J. W. Pan, "Comment on Quantum Key Distribution with Blind Bases'', Phys. Rev. Lett, 96, 078901(2006)

10. X. B. Wang, "Fault tolerant quantum key distribution protocol with collective random unitary noise'', Phys. Rev. A, Rapid Communication, 73, 050304(2005)

11. Q. Zhang, J. Yin, T. Y Chen, S. Lu, J. Zhang, X, Q Li, T Yang, X. B. Wang and J. W. Pan, Phys. Rev. A, (Rapid Communication), 73, 020301(2006)

C. Research papers collaborated with students

12. Yi-Heng Zhou(postgraduate), Zong-Wen Yu(group member), and Xiang-Bin Wang, “Tightened estimation can improve the key rate of measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution by more than 100%”, Phys. Rev. A 89, 052325 (2014).

13. Shu-Chao Wang(postgraduate), Zong-Wen Yu(group member), Wen-Jie Zou(post graduate), and Xiang-Bin Wang, “Protecting quantum states from decoherence of finite temperature using weak measurement”, Phys. Rev. A 89, 022318(2014).

14. Zong-Wen Yu(group member), Yi-Heng Zhou(postgraduate), and Xiang-Bin Wang, “Three-intensity decoy-state method for measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution”, Phys. Rev. A 88, 062339 (2013).

15. Nan Qiu(postgraduate) and Xiang-Bin Wang, “Fast creation of entanglement by interaction with a common bath”, Phys. Rev. A 88, 062332 (2013).

16. Xiang-Bin Wang, Zong-Wen Yu(group member), Jia-Zhong Hu(undergraduate), Adam Miranowicz, and Franco Nori, “.Efficient tomography of quantum-optical Gaussian processes probed with a few coherent states”, Phys. Rev. A 88, 022101(2013)

17. Xiao-Xiao Zhang(undergraduate), Yu-Xiang Yang(undergraduate), and Xiang-Bin Wang, “Lossy quantum-optical metrology with squeezed states”, Phys. Rev. A 88, 013838(2013).

18. Tian Chen(postgraduate), Xiang-Bin Wang, and Jie Ren, “Dynamic control of quantum geometric heat flux in a nonequilibrium spin-boson model ”, Phys. Rev. B 87, 144303(2013)

19. Xiang-Bin Wang, ”Three-intensity decoy-state method for device-independent quantum key distribution with basis-dependent errors”, Phys. Rev. A 87, 012320 (2013)

20. Huan-Hang Chi(undergraduate), Zong-Wen Yu, and Xiang-Bin Wang ,”Decoy-state method of quantum key distribution with both source errors and statistics fluctuations”,Phys. Rev. A 86, 042307 (2012)

21. Nan Qiu(Postgraduate), Shu-chao Wang(Postgraduate), Leong Chuan Kwek, and Xiang-Bin Wang , ”Preparation and entanglement purification through two-step measurements”,Phys. Rev. A 86, 012313 (2012)

22. Li-gong Zhou(Postgraduate), Ming Gao (Postgraduate), Jin-lin Peng, and Xiang-bin Wang , ”Scalability of quantum computing based on nanomechanical resonators”,Phys. Rev. A 85, 042326 (2012)

23. Min Gao (Postgraduate), CW Wu, ZJ Deng, WJ Zou(Postgraduate), LG Zhou(Postgraduate),CZ Li, XB Wang , “Controllable strong coupling between individual spin qubits and a transmission line resonator via nanomechanical resonators”, PHYSICS LETTERS A 376,595-598(2012)

24. Nan Qiu(Postgraduate), JB Gong, XB Wang, “Protecting multi-qubit states in computational subspaces by nested dynamical decoupling sequences”, J. Phys. B, 45, 045501(2012)

25. Gao M.(Postgraduate), Liu YX and Wang XB, “Coupling Rydberg atoms to superconducting qubits via nanomechanical resonator”, Phys. Rev. A, 83, 022309 (2011)

26. Jia-Zhong Hu(Undergraduate), Xiang-Bin Wang, and Leong Chuan Kwek, “Protecting two-qubit quantum states by π-phase pulses”, Phys. Rev. A 82, 062317 (2010)

27. J.Z. Hu(Undergraduate) and X. B. Wang, “Reexamination of the decoy-state quantum key distribution with an unstable source”, Phys. Rev. A 82, 012331(2010)

28. Xiao-Tong Ni(postgraduate), Yu-xi Liu, L. C. Kwek, and Xiang-Bin Wang, “Exponential quadratic operators and evolution of bosonic systems coupled to a heat bath”, Phys. Rev. A 81, 062125(2010).

29. Wang X B, Yang C X(postgraduate), Liu Y B,”On demand entanglement source with polarization dependent frequency shift” , Applied Physics Letters, 96, 201103(2010).

30. J. Z. Hu(Undergraduate), Z. W. Yu, X. B. Wang, “Quantum cloning machine of a state in a belt of Bloch sphere”, Euro. Phys. J. D, 51, 381(2009)

31. Z. W. Yu(Postgraduate) , X. T. Ni, L. C. Kwek, X. B. Wang, “A unified quantum NOT gate”, J. Phys. A, 42, 205304(2009)

32. C.X. Yang (Postgraduate) and X.B. Wang, “Thermal equilibrium control by frequent bang-bang modulation”, Phys. Rev. E 81, 051131 (2010)

33. Zhou L.G.(Postgraduate), Wei L.F., Gao M. (Postgraduate), and X.B. Wang, “Strong coupling between two distant electronic spins via a nanomechanical resonator”, Phys. Rev. A 81, 042323 (2010)

34. Wang XB, Yu ZW, Hu JZ (Undergraduate), “Entanglement-distribution maximization over one-sided Gaussian noisy channels”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82,022316 (2010)

35. M. Gao(Postgraduate), L. M. Liang, C. Z. Li, and X. B. Wang, “Robust quantum repeater with atomic ensembles against phase and polarization instability”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 042301 (2009)

36. Wang XB, Yang L.(postgraduate), Peng CZ, and Pan JW, “Decoy-state quantum key distribution with both source errors and statistical fluctuations”, New J. Phys, 11, 075006, 2009 (Focus article)

37. X. B. Wang, C.Z. Peng, Y. Lin (Postgraduate), and J.W. Pan, "General theory of decoy-state quantum cryptography with source errors,'' Phys. Rev. A 77, 042311 (2008)

38. Q. Wang(Postgraduate), X.B. Wang, G.C. Guo, "Practical decoy-state method in quantum key distribution with a heralded single-photon source'' , PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 012312 (2007)

39. Wang Q(Postgraduate), Wang XB, Bjork G, et al., "Improved practical decoy state method in quantum key distribution with parametric down-conversion source'', Euro. Phys. Lett. , 79, 40001 (2007)

D. Physical Review A, B, D, E, Journal of Physics A, B, and others:

40. Qin Wang, Xiang-Bin Wang“, Simulating of the measurement-device independent quantum key distribution with phase randomized general sources”, Sientific Reports, 4, 4612(2014).

41. Qin Wang and Xiang-Bin Wang, “Efficient implementation of the decoy-state measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with heralded single-photon sources”, Phys. Rev. A 88, 052332(2013).

42. Zhang J, Liu Y, Özdemir ? K, Re-Bing Wu, Feifei Gao, Xiang-Bin Wang, Lan Yang & Franco Nori, ”Quantum internet using code division multiple access”, Scientific Reports, 3 ,2211(2013).

43. X. B. Wang, "Decoy-state quantum key distribution with large random errors of light intensity'', PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 052301 (2007)

44. X. B. Wang, C.Z. Peng, and J.W. Pan, "Simple protocol for secure decoy-state quantum key distribution with a loosely controlled source'' , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90, 031110 (2007)

45. J.Q. You, X.B. Wang, T Tanomoto, and F. Nori, "Efficient one-step generation of large cluster states with solid-state circuits'' , PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75 , 052319 (2007)

46. Y.-K. Jiang,X.-B. Wang, B-S Shi and A. Tomita, Opt. Express, 13, 9415(2005)

47. X. B. Wang, "Quantum key distribution with 4 intensities of coherent light,'' Phys. Rev. A., 72, 012322 (2005) .

48. X. B. Wang, "Quantum key distribution with asymmetric channel noise'', Phys. Rev. A, 71, 052328(2005).

49. X. B. Wang, B. S. Shi, A. Tomita, and K. Matsumoto, "Quantum entanglement swapping with spontaneous parametric down conversion'', Phys. Rev. A 69, 014303 (2004).

50. X. B. Wang, "Quantum error-rejection code with spontaneous parametric down-conversion'', Phys. Rev. A 69, 022320 (2004).

51. X. B. Wang, "Possibility of producing the event-ready two-photon polarization entangled state with normal photon detectors'', Phys. Rev. A 68, 042304 (2003).

52. H. Fan, H. Imai, K. Matsumoto, and X. B. Wang, "Phase-covariant quantum cloning of qudits'', Phys. Rev. A 67, 022317(2003).

53. W. Y. Hwang, X. B. Wang, K. Matsumoto, J. Kim, and H. W. Lee, "Shor-Preskill-type security proof for quantum key distribution without public announcement of bases'', Phys. Rev. A 67, 012302 (2003).

54. X. B. Wang, "Properties of a beam-splitter entangler with Gaussian input states'', Phys. Rev. A 66, 064304 (2002).

55. X. B. Wang, "Theorem for the beam-splitter entangler'', Phys. Rev. A 66, 024303 (2002).

56. X. B. Wang and Matsumoto Keiji, "Nonadiabatic detection of the geometric phase of the macroscopic quantum State with a symmetric SQUID'', Phys. Rev. B 65, 172508 (2002).

57. H. Fan, K. Matsumoto, X. B. Wang, and M. Wadati, "Quantum cloning machines for equatorial qubits', Phys. Rev. A 65, 012304 (2002).

58. H. Fan, K. Matsumoto, X. B. Wang, and M. Wadati, "Phase covariant quantum cloning'', J. Phys. A: Math & Gen 35, 7415(2002).

59. X. B. Wang and K. Matsumoto, "NMR C-NOT gate through Aharanov and Anandan’s phase shift'', J. Phys A: Math & Gen., 34, L631(2001).

60. L. C. Kwek , Y. Liu, C. H. Oh, and X. B. Wang , "Transmission of Classical information via quantum entanglement'', J. Mod Optics 48, 1781(2001).

61. X. B. Wang, L. C. Kwek, Yong Liu, and C. H. Oh, "Noncyclic phase for neutrino oscillation'', Phys. Rev. D 63, 053003 (2001).

62. X. B. Wang, Kwek LC, Liu Y and Oh CH, "Nonclassical effects of two-mode photon added displaced squeezed states'', J. Phys. B: At MOL OPT, 34, 1059(2001).

63. X. B. Wang, Kwek LC, Oh CH, "Quantum roulette: an extended quantum strategy'', Phys. Lett. A 278, 44 (2000).

64. L. C. Kwek, Y. Liu, C. H. Oh, and X. B. Wang, "Analytic expression for exact-ground-state energy based on an operator method for a class of anharmonic potentials'', Phys. Rev. A 62: (5) 2107(2000).

65. M. L. Ge, L. C. Kwek, Y. Liu, C. H. Oh, and X. B. Wang, "Unified approach for exactly solvable potentials in quantum mechanics using shift operators'', Phys. Rev. A 62, 2110(2000).

66. L. C. Kwek, C. H. Oh, X. B. Wang, et al. "Buzek-Hillery cloning revisited using the bures metric and trace norm'', Phys. Rev. A 62, 2313(2000).

67. X. B. Wang, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Oh, "Quantum and classical geometric phase of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator'', Phys. Rev. A 62, 2105(2000).

68. X. B. Wang, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Oh, "Bures fidelity for diagonalizable quadratic Hamiltonians in multi-mode systems'', J Phys A: Math & Gen 33, 4925(2000).

69. L. C. Kwek, C. H. Oh, K. Singh, and X. B. Wang; "Diagonalization of diffussion matrix in Grover's algorithm'', Phys. Lett. A 267, 24(2000).

70. L. C. Kwek, C. H. Oh, and X. B. Wang, "Quantum Jeffery Priors for displaced squeezed thermal states'', J. Phys. A: Math & Gen, 32, 6613(1999).

71. X. B. Wang, L. C. Kwek, and C. H. Oh, "Extended two-parameter squeezed states'', Phys. Lett. A 259, 7(1999).

72. X. B. Wang, L.C. Kwek, and C. H. Oh, "Bures fidelity for displaced squeezed states'', Phys. Rev. A 58, 4186(1998).

73. X. B. Wang, C. H. Oh, and L. C. Kwek, "General approach to functional form for the exponential quadratic form in coordinate-momentum space'', J. Phys. A: Math & Gen 31, 4329(1998).

74. J. W. Pan, Q. X. Dong, G. Hou, X. B. Wang, "Analytic calculation of arbitrary matrix elements for the boson exponential quadratic operator'', Phys. Rev. E 56 2553(1997).

75. J. W. Pan, Y. D. Zhang, X. B. Wang, et al. "Some addenda about the general formula of normal product calculationfor boson exponential quadratic operators'', Commun Theor Phys 26, 479(1996).

76. L. Ma, Y. D. Zhang, J.W. Pan, and X.B. Wang, “Two applications of linear quantum transformation theory in multi-mode Fock space”, Commun Theor Phys 26, 203(1996).

77. X. B. Wang, J. W. Pan and Y. D. Zhang, "General approach to antinormally ordering boson exponential quadratic operators and its applications'', Chinese Phys Lett 13, 401(1996).

78. L. Ma, Y. D. Zhang, J. W. Pan and X. B. Wang, "The General exponential quadratic multimode squeezed states'', Mod Phys Lett A 10, 837(1995).

79. X. B. Wang, S. X. Yu and Y. D. Zhang, "Linear quantum transformation and normal product calculation of boson exponential quadratic operators'', J Phys A-Math Gen 27, 6563(1994).