
王宇航 副教授



北京 100084




2008.9-2014.7 理学博士,凝聚态物理,清华大学物理系

2004.9-2008.7 学士学位,物理学,兰州大学物理学院


2024.07- 今:清华大学物理系 副教授

2022.01 -2024.07: 北京科技大学物理系 硕士生导师,系副主任

2021.07 -2024.07: 北京科技大学物理系 副教授

2018.08 -2021.07: 北京科技大学应用物理系 讲师

2016.06 -2018.06: 清华大学物理系 博士后

2014.07 -2016.04: 中物院流体物理研究所 助理研究员



基础物理实验A1~A3 (至今)





1. Optical erasable bipolar resistive switching on TiO2 film in nanoscale

Y. H. Wang, Z. Q. He, X. B. Lai, B. Y. Liu, Y. B. Chen, L. W. Zhang and F. P. Wang

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 873, 159809 (2021)

2. UV illumination enhanced desorption of oxygen molecules from monolayer MoS2 surface

Y. H. Wang, Z. Q. He, J. B. Zhang, et al.

Nano Research 13, 2, 358(2020).

3. Direct observation of the hysteretic Fermi level modulation in monolayer MoS2 field effect transistors

Y. H. Wang, D. Y. Li, X. B. Lai, B. Y. Liu, Y. B. Chen, F. P. Wang, R. M. Wang and L. W. Zhang

Current Applied Physics 20, 2, 298 (2020).

4 .UV-induced desorption of oxygen at the TiO2 surface for highly sensitive room temperature O2 sensing

Y. H. Wang, X. B. Lai, B. Y. Liu, Y. B. Chen, Y. Z. Lu, F. P. Wang and L. W. Zhang

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 793, 583 (2019).

5. Non-destructive photovoltaic reading of interface type memristors using graphene as transparent electrode

Y. H. Wang, L. Y. Wu, G. D. Liu and L. X. Liu

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 740, 273 (2018).

6. Controllable resistive switching in Au/Nb:SrTiO3 microscopic Schottky junctions

Y. H. Wang, X. L. Shi, K. H. Zhao, G. L. Xie, S. Y. Huang and L. W. Zhang

Applied Surface Science 364, 718 (2016).

7. Fabricating Ohmic contact on Nb-doped SrTiO3 surface in nanoscale 

Y. H. Wang, X. L. Shi, X. B. Lai, Z.P.Gao, L.X.Liu, Y.Wang, W.J.Zhu, C.M.Meng, L. W. Zhang 

Applied Physics Letters 108, 192102 (2016).

8. Mechanical writing of n-type conductive layers on the SrTiO3 surface in nanoscale 

Y. H. Wang, K. H. Zhao, X. L. Shi, G. Li, G. L. Xie, X. B. Lai, J. Ni and L. W. Zhang 

Scientific Reports 5, 10841 (2015).

9. Investigation of the resistance switching in Au/SrTiO3:Nb heterojunctions 

Y. H. Wang, K. H. Zhao, X. L. Shi, G. L. Xie, S. Y. Huang and L. W. Zhang 

Applied Physics Letters 103, 031601 (2013).