
李师群 教授



北京 100084






学历 1965年华中师范大学物理系物理专业本科毕业,1982年北京大学无线电电子学系量子电子学专业硕士研究生毕业。




研究生《量子光学》学位课程 本科生《光子学物理基础》课程




社会兼职: 中国物理学会量子光学专业委员会副主任, 中国物理学会光物理专业委员会副主任,教育部高等学校物理学与天文学教学指导委员会副主任,教育部高等学校物理基础课程教学指导分委员会主任,“物理与工程”主编,“Frontiers of Physics in China” 副主编,“量子电子学报”编委,“量子光学学报”编委,“物理”编委,“现代物理知识”编委,中科院物理所光学物理重点实验室学术委员会副主任,中科院武汉物理与数学研究所波谱与原子分子物理国家重点实验室学术委员会委员,中科院上海光机所量子光学重点实验室学术委员会委员,中国科技大学量子信息重点实验室学术委员会委员。






近五年(2008-2003) 1. Du CG, Chen HY, Li SQ, Stable and bistable SQUID metamaterials,

J.of Phys._Condensed Matter 20 (34) 345220 (2008)

2. H.Chen,D.Du and S.Li, Surface plasmon polaritons on the surface between two left-handed materials, 6th China International Conference on NanoScience and Technology, Chengdu, China (2007).

3. Du CG, Chen HY, Li SQ, “Quantum left-handed matematerial from superconducting quantum-intererence devices”, Phys.Rev. B74

(11) 113105 (2006)

4. 李师群, “现代量子光学的发端和物理学精密测量的新巅峰”, 科技导报 23 (12)12-15 (2005)

5.Chunguang Du, Zhengfeng Hu, Shiqun Li, “Transient properties of atomic coherence induced by an nonsingular-DOM reservoir” Opt.Commun. 233(1—3)139—147 (2004)

6.Chunguang Du,Zhengfeng Hu,Shiqun Li, “Reservoir-induced transparency and coherent population trapping” J. Opt. B 6 (7)263—268(2004)

7.Zhou bo, Du Chunuang, Li shiqun, “Slow light by modified reservoir induced transparency with a non-singular density of modes ”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 21 (5)856—859(2004)

8. X.WEI,N.WU,X.LIU,S.LI,“Theoretical study of relaxation oscillation in triply resonant OPOs”,Appl.Phys. B79 841—844 (2004)

9. Hu Zheng-Feng, Du Chun-Guang, Li Shi-Qun, “Light induced nonlinear effects on dispersion of ultracold Bose gas”, Chin.Phys.Lett. 12 (40) 403-407 (2003)

10. Du CG, Hou CF, Hu ZF, Li SQ ,“Atomic coherence via an nonsingular-DOM reservoir”,Phys. Lett. A307 (4) 196-201 (2003)

11. Li Dai-Jun, Hu Zheng-Feng, Li Shi-Qun,“The periodic magnetic cylinder tube for atom guidance: transport efficiency analysis”,Chin. Phys. 12 (7) 738-744 (2003)

12. Hu Zheng-Feng, Du Chun-Guang, Li Shi-Qun, “Nonadiabatic effects on population transfer of two Bose-Einstein condensate induced by atomic interaction” Chin. Phys. 12 (7) 708-713 (2003)

13.Li Dai-Jun, Zhou Bo,Hu Zheng-Feng,Li Shi-Qun, “The periodic magnetic cylinder tube for atom guidance: quantized motion analysis” Chin. Phys. 12(10) 1087—1095 (2003)


1.李师群,“低压气体原子或分子被激光的冷却和捕陷”,无线电电子学汇刊 1981 No.3/4 p.61

2.李师群,邹英华,夏宗炬,“双频复合腔染料激光器中的模式耦合”,光学学报 3 (9) 853 (1983)

3.Li Shiqun, Chen Tianjie, “New possible types of two-photon tri-level echoes”,87’ International Conference on Lasers, Xiamen China, Digest p.232 (1987)

4.Li Shiqun, Wu Ling-An, “Degenerate parametric down conversion of squeezed light”,Chen. Phys. Lett. 8 222 (1991)

5.Shiqun Li, Ling-An Wu, “Degenerate four-wave mixing with squeezed light as the input probe field”, QELS’92 Technical Degist, p.134 (1992)

6.Li Shiqun, Wu Ling-An, “Phase conjugation of squeezed light”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 10 220 (1993)

7.Shiqun Li, Shouhuan Zhou, Pei Wang, Y.C.Chen, K.K.Lee, “Self-Q-switched diode-end-pumped Cr,Nd:YAG laser with polarized output”, Opt. Lett. 18 203 (1993)

8.Shouhuan, K.K.Lee, Y.C.Chen, Shiqun Li, “Monolithic self-Q-switched Cr,Nd:YAG laser”,Opt. Lett. 18 511 (1993)

9.李师群、吕亚军、黄湖, “玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)及其光学性质的研究”, 量子电子学报 14 (1) 1 (1997)

10.Yingxin Bai, Nianle Wu, Jian Zhang, Jiaqiang Li, Shiqun Li.,“Passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4 Laser with a Cr4+:YAG crystal saturable absorber”,Appl. Opt. 36 (12 ) 2468 (1997)

11. 张礼、李师群等“激光冷却和捕陷中性原子”,《近代物理学进展》清华大学出版社 1997 P201-215

12.Hu Huang, De-zhong Wang, Lee Chang, and Shi-qun Li, “Lamb shift of absorptive resonance in a Bose-Einstein Condensate”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 2923 (1997)

13.李师群,周义东,黄湖, “原子激射器——相干原子束发生器”,物理 27 (1) 11(1998)

14.Xinghua Lu, Yingxin Bai, Shiqun Li, Tianjie Chen, “Optical bistability and beam reshaping in nonlinear multilayered structures”, Opt. Comm. 156 219 (1998)

15.Hu Huang, Xinghua Lu, Shi-Qun Li, “Trapped photon state along an atomic chain in photonic band-gap crystals”, Phys. Rev. A57 5019 (1998)

16.Daijun Li, Hu Huang, Xinghua Lu, Shiqun Li,“A magnetic tube structure for atom guiance ”,Opt. Comm. 160 (1-3) 72 (1999)

17.De-zhong Wang, Dai-jun Li, Xia-ji Lie, Hu Huang, Shi-qun Li, “Study of ring-shaped BEC and its collective excitation”, CCAST Proceeding of Workshop on Laser Cooling:BEC and Atom Laser vol. 116, P. 141 (2000)

18.X.J. Liu, H. Hu, L. Chang. W.P. Zhang, S.Q. Li, Y.Z. Wang, “Framented Condensate ground state of trapped weakly interacting bosons in two dimension”,Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (3) 030404 ( 2001)

19.Xia-ji Liu, Hui Hu, Lee Chang, and Shi-Qun Li, “Ground-State properties of a trapped few-boson System under rotation: Beyoud the “lowest-Landau-level” approximation”,Phys. Rev. A64 (3) 035601 (2001)

20.Hou Chun-feng, Du Chunguang, Abduresul, Li Shiqun, “Manokov Soliton pairs in biased photovoltaic photorefractive crystals”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 19 (1) 63 (2002)

21.Chunfeng Hou, Yongyuan Jiang, Bohong Yuan, Xiudong,Sun, Chunguang Du, Shiqun Li,“Incoherently soupled soliton pairs in photorefracive polymer”,Opt. Mater. 19 (3) 377 (2002)

22.Du Chun-guang, Hu Zheng-feng, Hou Chun-feng, Li Shiqun,“Transpanrency and strong Gain Without population inversion in photonic Band-gap crystals”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 19 (3) 338 (2002)

23. Du Chun-Guang, Li Shi-qun, “Dephasing time of a position acceperated by a laser pulse”,Chinese Physics 11 (4) 375 (2002)

24.Hu Zheng-Feng, Du Chun-Guang, Li Dai-Jun, Li Shi-Qun, “Stimulated Raman adiabatic population transfer of two Bose-Einstain condensates”, Chin.Phys.Lett. 19 (9) 1234 (2002)

25.Z.F.Hu, D.J.Li, C.G.Du, S.Q.Li, “Properties of light group velocity in ultracold atom gas”,SPIE. V.4917 p74—78 (2002)