发表研究论文40余篇。申请专利2 项,在国内外学术会议作邀请报告约20多次。 论文: Selected Papers: 1. X. P. Chen1,4, Z. H. Han1, M.Y. Li1,4, M. Jun, Q.Liu, “Observation of the formation and growth of secondary phases in Bi-2223/Ag tapes”, Physica C (2003) 391 (4) 363-368 2. Z. Han, H. Wu, P. Skov-Hansen and P. Vase,”Mechanical Properties of Bi-2223/Ag Composite Tapes”, EUCAS'99, Sitges, Spain, 14-17 Sept. 1999. 3. P. Skov-Hansen , Z. Han and J.I. Bech, “Stresses and Strains in Multi-Filament HTS Tapes” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 9, no.2, pp2617-2620, June 1999 4. Z. Han, P. Bodin, W. G. Wang, M. Bentzon, P. Skov-Hansen, J. Goul, and P. V. Vase, “Fabrication and characterisation of superconducting Bi-2223/Ag tapes with high critical current densities in km length”, IEEE Trans. Supercon. 9 (1999) 2537. 5. Z. Han, P. Skov-Hansen and T. Freltoft, “Topical Review: The mechanical deformation process of superconducting BiSrCaCuO/Ag composites”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., vol.10, pp371-387, 1997. 6. Z. Han, P. Skov-Hansen and P. Vase, “Mechanical properties of Bi-2223/Ag composite tapes for large scale applications”, MT-15, Beijing, October 20-24,1997 7. Z. Han, P. Vase, Y. Q. Shen, and T. Freltoft, “Superconducting Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox Closed-loop Coils Carrying Persistent Current at Temperatures above 77 K” IEEE Trans. Supercon. 7 (1997) 873. 8. Z. Han, T. I. Selinder, and U. Helmersson, Formation of Cu-rich particles on the surface of YBa2Cu3O7-x thin film grown by in situ off-axis sputtering, J. Appl. Phys. 75, 2020 (1994). 9. Z. Han, U. Helmersson, and T. I. Selinder, Observation of metallic resistivity behavior following a 1/r300k dependence of Tc in a YBa2Cu3O7-x thin film with varying oxygen deficiency, Phys. Rev. B 48, 7708 (1993). 10. Z. Han, U. Helmersson, T. I. Selinder, and J.?E. Sundgren, X?ray? iffraction mapping of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7?x thin films: Determination of in?plane epitaxy and a?, b?, and c?axis lengths in films with varying oxygen deficiency, Phys. Rev. B 47, 3431 (1993). 11. Han Zhenghe, K. Tsushima, N. Karpe, H. Medelius, Klas Jacobson and K. V. Rao, Preparation and Electronic Properties of Reactive Magnetron Sputter?deposited Bi?Ca?Sr?Cu?O Thin Film High?Tc Superconductors, J. of Crystal Growth 91, 368 (1988). 12. Han Zhenghe, Wang Xinlin and Ke Cheng, Magnetic Stability of Water Quenched Cobalt?based Amorphous Alloy, Materials Sci.& Eng. 99, 199 (1988). 专利 1.韩征和、王三胜,吴锴,刘梦林。一种制作高温超导器件的表面改性方法。国内申请号: 02159935. 国际申请号:PCT/CN03/00594。 2.王三胜,陈胜,韩征和,刘莉。一种在金属基底上形成织构外延膜的方法。国内申请号:200310117384.7 |