马万云 教授
北京 100084
个人简历 |
学历 |
清华大学工程物理系理学学士并获优秀毕业生奖章(1982年) |
清华大学物理系理学博士(1987年) |
工作经历 |
清华大学物理系讲师(1987-1991),副教授(1991-1996),教授(1996-现在),博导(1998-现在) |
清华大学“原子分子纳米科学”教育部重点实验室,副主任(1994-2001),主任(2001-2006) |
意大利Parma大学物理科学研究所客座教授(1992.8-1994.2;1995.7-9;1998.9-12;2000.10-2001.1;2007.7-9) |
香港浸会大学客座教授(2002.7-12) |
教学 |
主讲本科生《大学物理》(力学、电磁学、热学、光学、量子物理) |
研究领域 |
从事生物医学光子学,生物物理,单分子探测及应用研究。目前研究重点: 1、单分子探测与成像技术研究(双光子激发荧光显微成像、全内反射衰逝波激发荧光成像、原子力显微镜等); 2、单分子层次上生物大分子之间相互作用的动力学过程; 3、染色体域空间构象的三维荧光原位杂交(3D-FISH)的量化表征; 4、活细胞内特定生物大分子的高灵敏、实时、原位四维动态观测及在生物医学中的应用; 5、活细胞纳米生物力学研究; 6、高灵敏探测在资源、环境、材料、生物医学中的应用?。 |
奖励、荣誉和学术兼职 |
1、 “原子(分子)层次的超灵敏谱学(及应用)与原子分子高激发态谱学研究”,国家教委科技进 步一等奖 (1995年) 2、 “激光单原子探测超灵敏谱学及其应用研究”,国家教委科技进步二等奖(1991年) 3、 “极细微尺度(单个原子、分子直至纳米粒子)超灵敏谱学及其应用”,教育部科技进步二等奖 (1999年) 4、 “原子分子测控的谱学基础研究”,北京市科学技术二等奖(2002年) 5、 “胸腺细胞凋亡的亚硝酰转化机制及其在中药药理上的应用”,中国中医科学院中医药科学技术进步二等奖(2007年) 6、 清华大学首届"学术新人"奖(1995年) |
1、 Yu Liu, Jun Yin, Pengfei Wang, Jin-Lin Zhu, Wanyun Ma, Zhanmin Dong, and Jia-Lin Sun,“Broadband Photoresponse Based on A Synergetic Effect of Surface Ions and Plasmon Polaritons”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6, 1199 – 1205.
2、 Yin Jun, Liu Yu, Zhu Jia-Lin, Dong Zhanmin, Ma Wanyun, Zhang Wei, Sun Jia-Lin, “Enhanced photoelectric performance of composite nanostructures combining monolayer graphene and a RbAg4I5 film”, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110 (21): 213106.
3、 Xueli Tian, Yanfang Wang, Dieyan Chen, Xiaoyan Ke, and Wanyun Ma,“Significance of spatial organization of chromosomes in the progression of acute myeloid leukemia”,Chinese Journal of Cancer, 2017, 36(1):40
4、 Ning Tian; Ji Yu; Shu Zhang; Wan yun Ma; Ting Wang; Yi ming Wang,"Effects of methotrexate on the quality of oocyte maturation in vitro",European Biophysics Journal,DOI 10.1007/s00249-017-1254-2(2017)
5、 Zhang Shu, Tian Xueli, Yin Jun, Liu Yu, Dong Zhanmin, Sun Jia-Lin, Ma Wanyun, “Rapid, controllable growth of silver nanostructured surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates for red blood cell detection”, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 24503.
6、 Tian Xueli, Wang Yanfang, Zhao Fengying, Liu Jinlin, Yin Jun, Chen Dieyan, Ma Wanyun, Ke Xiaoyan, “A new classification of interphase nuclei based on spatial organizations of chromosome 8 and 21 for t(8;21) (q22;q22) acute myeloid leukemia by three-dimensional fluorescence in situ hybridization”, Leukemia Research, 2015, 39 (12): 1414-1420.
7、 Shu Zhang, Wanyun Ma, Qun Wang, Dapeng Xu, Chuyun Deng and Jia-Lin Sun,“ ROUGH SILVER NANOWIRE, NANOBUD AND NANOPARTICLE SUBSTRATES: PREPARATION, PROPERTIES AND USE IN THE SERS DETECTION OF BIOMACROMOLECULES”, 《Nanowires: synthesis, electrical properities and uses in biological system》, Nova Science Publishers, Chapter 2, p59.(2014)
8、 Shu Zhang; Qun Wang; Chuyun Deng;Wanyun Ma; Jialin Sun, “Influence of natural oxidation on the surface enhancement effect of silver nanoparticle films”, Journal of nanoparticle research, 16:2634.(2014)
9、 Shu Zhang; Xiaochen Liu; Chuyun Deng ; Man Han ; Juhua Pan ; Xinghua Liao ; Xin Qi ;Shaojin Duan ; Wanyun Ma,“Analysis of cytosolic pH changes in thymocytes during early apoptosis with improved threechannel real-time fluorescence imaging”,Journal of Fluorescence: Volume 24, Issue 4 (2014), Page 1055-1059.
10、 F.Y. Zhao,Y. Xun,D.Y. Chen,W.Y. Ma,J.G. Zheng, X.M. Zhang,“A method for simultaneously delineating multiple targets in 3D-FISH using limited channels, lasers, and ?uorochromes”, European Biophysics Journal (Biophysics Letter),43:53–58. (2014)
11、 Shu Zhang,Xiaochen Liu,Wanyun Ma, “Effects of piperine and deoxyschizandrin on synchronized Ca2+ oscillations in cultured hippocampal neuronal cells”,European Biophysics Journal, 42(9), 673-682. (2013)
12、 F.Y. Zhao, C.P. Shao, Y. Li,W.Y. Ma, N. Tian, J.H. Zheng,“5-Azacytidine induces early stage apoptosis and promotes in vitro maturation by changing chromosomal construction in murine oocytes”,Reproductive Toxicology,37, 56-61. (2013)
13、 Tian Ning,Zhang Lu,Zheng Jinghao,Lv Danyu,Li Ying,Ma Wanyun,“Three-dimensional quantitative analysis of chromosomes in the oocytes of ageing mice during meiosis I in vitro”,Theriogenology,79 , 249-256.(2013)
14、 Ning Tian, Lu Zhang, Danyu Lu Jinggao Zheng, Wanyun Ma, Ying Li “Effects of maternal aging on localizations and expression levels of DNA methyltransferases and chromosome architecture in in-vivo matured mouse oocytes”,Chinese Science Bulletin,Vol.58, No.26, 3248-3255.(2013)
15、 Jing-gao Zheng, Tiancheng Huo, Tianyuan Chen, Chengming Wang, Ning Zhang, Ning Tian, Fengying Zhao, Danyu Lu, Dieyan Chen, Wanyun Ma, Jia-lin Sun*, Ping Xue*,Understanding three-dimensional spatial relationship between the mouse second polar body and first cleavage plane with full-field optical coherence tomography”,Journal of Biomedical Optics,18, 010503. (2013)
16、 Jinggao Zheng; Tiancheng Huo; Ning Tian; Tianyuan Chen; Chengming Wang; Ning Zhang; Fengying Zhao; Danyu Lu; Dieyan Chen; Wanyun Ma; Jialin Sun; Ping Xue*,"Noninvasive three-dimensional live imaging methodology for the spindles at meiosis and mitosis",Journal of Biomedical Optics 18 (5), 050505 (2013)
17、 Jing-gao Zheng,Danyu Lu,Tianyuan Chen,Chengming Wang,Ning Tian,Fengying Zhao,Tiancheng Huo,Ning Zhang,Dieyan Chen,Wanyun Ma,Jia-lin Sun*,Ping Xue*,“Label-free subcellular 3D live imaging of preimplantation mouse embryos with full-field optical coherence tomography" ,Journal of Biomedical Optics 17, 070503. (2012)
18、 Tian Ning,Zhang Lu,Liu Bian,Wang Pengfei,Li Ying,Ma Wanyun*,“Four-dimensional visualization and quantitative analysis of meiotic spindle movements in live mouse oocytes”,Journal of Microscopy, 247(3):252-258. (2012)
19、 Deng Chuyun,Ma Wanyun,Sun Jialin*,“Fabrication of highly rough Ag nanobud substrates and surface-enhanced Raman scattering of λ-DNA molecules”,Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/820739 (2012)
20、 Xiaochen Liu, Pengfei Wang, Jianhua Fu, Danyu Lv, Dieyan Chen, Ying Li, Wanyun Ma,“Two-photon Fluorescence Real-time Imaging on the Development of Early Mouse Embryo by Stages”,Journal of Microscopy,241(2):212-218.(2011)
21、 Xiaochen Liu, Danying Lin, Wanyun Ma,“Quantitative Analysis of Intracellular Calcium and Mitochondrial Kinetic Fluorescence Changes in GSNO-induced Thymocyte Early Apoptosis”,Journal of Fluorescence,Vol.21, No. 3, 1285-1292. (2011)
22、 Lu Zhang, Dan-Yu Lu, Wan-Yun Ma, Ying Li, “Age-related changes in the localization of DNA methyltransferases during meiotic maturation in mouse oocytes”,Fertility and Sterility, 95(4):1531-1534.( 2011)
23、 Chuyun Deng, Jiamin Li, Wanyun Ma,“Detection of FRET efficiency in imaging systems by the photo-bleaching of acceptor”,Talanta,Vol.82, No. 2, 771-774. (2010)
24、 Pengfei Wang, Jianhua Fu, Wanyun Ma, Dieyan Chen, Danyu Lv, Wenjia Bai,“A quantification model for apoptosis in mouse embryos in the early stage of fetation”,Science in China Series C-Life Science, Vol. 52 (10): 922-927. ( 2009)
25、 Guanglu Ge, Dong Han, Danying Lin, Weiguo Chu, Yunxu Sun, Lei Jiang, Wanyun Ma, Chen Wang,“MAC mode atomic force microscopy studies of living samples, ranging from cells to fresh tissue”,Ultramicroscopy, 107, 299-307. (2007)
26、 Dongqiang Han, Wanyun Ma, Dieyan Chen,“Determination of Biodegradation Process of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes in Seabed Sediment by Purge and Trap Gas Chromatography”,Chromatographia,Vol.66, 899-904. (2007)
27、 Ma Wanyun, Sun Yunxu, Han Dong, Chu Weiguo, Lin Danying, Chen Dieyan,“Cytoskeletal response of microvessel endothelial cells to an applied stress force at the submicrometer scale studied by atomic force microscopy”,Microscopy Research and Technique, 69 (10), 784-793. (2006)
28、 D.Y. Lin, W.Y. Ma, S.J. Duan, Y. Zhang and L.Y. Du, “Real-time imaging of viable-apoptotic switch in GSNO-induced mouse thymocyte apoptosis”, Apoptosis,Vol.11, No.8, 1289-1298 (2006)
29、 Sun Yunxu, Lin Danying, Rui Yanfang, Han Dong, Ma Wanyun,“Three-Dimensional Structural Changes in Living Hippocampal Neurons Imaged Using Magnetic AC Mode Atomic Force Microscopy”,Journal of Electron Microscopy, Vol.55, No.3, 165-172. (2006), 获日本显微镜学会科学论文奖(The Japanese Society of microscopy Award for the Scientific Paper (Biomedicine) in 2008)
30、 V. Fano, W.Y. Ma, X.G. Wang, F. Zhu and L. Fano, “Application of confocal fluorescence microscopy in dental research of resin-based restorative materials”, 《Current Issues on Multidisciplinary Microscopy Research and Education》, Edited by A. Mendez Vilas and L. Labajos-Broncano, Spain, ISBN: 84-609-6605-4, p208-214. (2005)
31、 L. Fano, V. Fano, W. Y. Ma, X. G. Wang, F. Zhu, “Adhesiveness of dental resin-based restorative materials investigated with Atomic Force Microscopy”, J Biomed Mater Res B: Applied Biomaterials, Vol.73B: 35-42. (2005)
32、 Dong Han, Wanyun Ma, Fulong Liao and Dieyan Chen,“Intracellular structural changes under the stress of applied force at a nanometer range investigated by atomic force microscopy”,Nanotechnology, Vol.15,120-126. (2004)
33、 L. Fano, V. Fano, W. Y. Ma, X. G. Wang, F. Zhu, “Hydrolytic Degradation and Cracks in Resin-modified Glass-ionomer Cements Investigated with Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy and Gravimetric Analysis”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, (J. Biomed. Mater. Res. )Vol.69B: 87-93. (2004)
34、 X. Y. Pu, W. Y. Ma and N. H. Cheung,“Sensitive elemental analysis of aqueous colloids by laser-induced plasma spectroscopy”,Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.83, Issue 16: 3416-3418. (2003)
35、 Han Dong, Ma Wanyun, Liao Fulong, Yeh Meiling, Ouyang Zhigang and Sun Yunxu,“Time-series observation of the spreading out of microvessel endothelial cells with atomic force microscopy”,Phys. Med. Biol., Vol. 48, 3897-3909. (2003)
36、 R. Y. Wang, W. Y. Ma, D. Y. Chen,“Analysis of gastrodin and tetramethylpyrazine in traditional Chinese preparations by micellar electrokinetic chromatography”,J. Sep. Sci.(Journal of Separation Science), Vol.26, 543-548. (2003)
37、 Rongying Wang, Hua Fan, Wanyun Ma,“Measurement and pharmacokinetic study of gastrodin in rat blood by capillary micellar electrokinetic chromatography”, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, Vol.25, No.6,857-864. (2002)
38、 Rongying Wang, Xiaoning Lu, Wanyun Ma,“Non-competitive immunoassay for alpha-fetoprotein using micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography and laser-induced fluorescence detection”,Journal of Chromatography B, 779(2),157-162. (2002)
39、 L.Fano, W.Y.Ma, P.A.Marcoli, S.Pizzi, V.Fano, “Polymerization of Dental Composite Resins using Plasma Light”, Biomaterials, 23, 1011-1015. (2002)
40、 L. Fano, V. Fano, W. Y. Ma, G. W. Yang, F. Zhu,“Structure of dental glass-ionomer cements by confocal fluorescence microscopy and stereomicroscopy”,Biomaterials, 22/17, 2353-2358. (2001)
41、 W. Y. Ma, M. Xue, J. Zhang, D. Y. Chen,“Ultrasensitive determination of gold in geogas by laser excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry”,Spectrochimica Acta Part B53, 1421-1425. (1998)
42、 Wanyun Ma, Ida Ortalli, Giuseppe Pedrazzi, Silvia Vaccari and Carmelo Carlo-Stella,“Inactivation of Bone Marrow Cultures and K562 Leukaemic Cell Line by Mossbauer Effect”,Anticancer Research, 18, 419-424. (1998)
43、 V. Fano, W. Y. Ma, I. Ortalli, K. Pozela,“Study of dental materials by laser beam scanning”,Biomaterials, 19, 1541-1545. (1998)
44、 S.Q. Tao, J.B. Huang, W. Y. Ma, L. H. Chen and D.Y. Chen,“Electrothermal atomization / laser excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry after a solvent extraction for the determination of trace Indium in geochemical samples”, Atomic Spectroscopy, 19(5), 180-185. (1998)
45、 W. Y. Ma, Q. Hui, M. Xue, W. X. Ji and D. Y. Chen,“Determination of the Gold Content in Geogas by Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry”,J. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 12, 57-59. (1997)
46、 W. Y. Ma, K. L. Wen, D. Y. Chen, “Rydberg series of Ru excited from the 4d65s(6D)5p5D4 state”, Laser Spectroscopy, , 43-45. (1997)
47、 W. Y. Ma, L. Q. Li, W. Z. Zhao and D. Y. Chen, “Ultrasensitive analysis of Ru through autoionization states by laser”,Opt. Comm. 85/5-6, 408-413. (1991)
48、 W. Z. Zhao, X. Y. Xu, W. Y. Ma, Y. Cheng, Q. Hui, K. L. Wen and D. Y. Chen,“Experimental study of autoionizing states of AuI”,Appl. Phys. B52, 299-304. (1991)