吴国祯 教授
北京 100084
个人简历 |
清华大学物理系教授,博士生导师。 台湾清华大学化学系学士 (1970)。 美国Oklahoma大学化学博士(1976)。 美国City College, City Univ. of New York 博士后 (1980-1981)。。 美国Colorado State University,研究 (1981-1982)。 1977年回国服务,任职中国科学院化学所,副研究员,研究员,博士生导师。 1995年转任清华大学物理系。 1989年11月—1990年7月,香港浸会学院化学系,访问。讲授物理化学,分子光谱学。 1998-1999 清华大学高等研究中心客座研究员。 1999年1月—6月, 台湾中央大学物理系访问教授。 2005年5-6月,香港浸会大学物理系非线性中心访问。 2009 年5-7月,台湾理论科学研究中心访问。 |
研究领域 |
拉曼谱学:拉曼旋光谱学;分子高激发振动谱学(非线性和混沌的方法) |
奖励、荣誉和学术兼职 |
获1994年中国科学院自然科学二等奖(表面增强拉曼光谱学研究工作) |
[117] Chao Fang and Guozhen Wu,‘Global dynamical analysis of vibrational manifolds of HOCl and HOBr under anharmonicity and Fermi resonance: the dynamical potential approach’ 物理学报B(英文版),19(1), 010509(2010)
[118] Chao Fang and Guozhen Wu,‘ Raman intensity interpretation of pyridine liquid and its adsorption on the Ag electrode via bond polarizabilities’Spectrochim.Acta,A77, 948(2010)
[119] Chi Zhang, Chao Fang and Guozhen Wu,‘ Bending localization of nitrous oxide under anharmonicity and Fermi coupling: the dynamical potential approach’ 物理学报B(英文版)19(11), 110513(2010)
[120] Peijie Wang , Yan Fang, Guozhen Wu,‘Temporal Electronic Structure of the Non-resonant Raman Excited Virtual State of P-Nitroaniline by 514 nm Excitation via Bond Polarizabilities’ 物理学报B(英文版) 19(11),113201 (2010)
[121] Peijie Wang,Yan Fang and Guozhen Wu, ‘Raman excitation of (+)-(R)-methyloxirane and its origin of optical activity via bond polarizabilities’ J. Raman Spectroscopy, 42,186-191(2011)
[122] Chao Fang and Guozhen Wu, ‘Surface enhanced Raman scattering of pyridazine molecule: absorption configuration and enhancement mechanism via bond polarizabilities 物理学报,60(3),033301(2011)
[123] 吴国祯,‘分子高激发振动态的经典非线性性质’,中国科学 41(4),410(2011) *[124]Guozhen Wu,‘A classical nonlinear approach to the molecular highly excited vibration ’ J. Spectroscopy and Dynamics,1:3,(2011)
[125]Yan Fang, Guozhen Wu, Peijie Wang, ‘The asymmetry of the differential bond polarizabilities in the Raman optically active (+)-(R)- methyloxirane and L-alanine’ Chem.Phys. 393,140-147,(2012)
[126] Yan Fang, Guozhen Wu, Peijie Wang, ‘The charge excitation in the Raman process as correlated from a classical theory for Raman optical activity: the case study of (+)-(R)-methyloxirane’, Spectrochim.Acta, Part A88, 216-219,(2012)
[127] Yanmu zhao, Peijie Wang, Yan Fang, Guozhen Wu, ‘Raman optical activity of chiral trans-2,3-epoxybutane molecule’ 物理学报 61(24),240201(2012)
[128] Shen Hong-Xia, Wu Guo-Zhen, Wang Pei-Jie, ‘The chiral asymmetry of the anti-symmetric coordinates by the Raman differential bond polarizability study of S-phenylethylamine’ 物理学报B, 21(12),123301-123307(英文版)(2012)
[129] 沈红霞,吴国祯, 王培杰,‘手性分子2,3-丁二醇的旋光拉曼光谱研究’,物理学报,62(5),053301(2013)
[130] 沈红霞,吴国祯, 王培杰,‘(R)-1,3丁二醇的手性不对称性:微分键极化率的研究’物理学报,62(15),153301(1-6)(2013)
[131] 吴国祯,‘拉曼峰强中的信息’ 光学应用 (Journal of Optics Applications),2(3),19-34(2013)
[132] Peijie Wang and Guozhen Wu,‘The asymmetry of (-) -pinene as revealed from its Raman optical activity spectrum’, Chirality, 25,600-605 (2013)
[133] Guozhen Wu, Peijie Wang, ‘A bond polarizability interpretation of the Raman optical activity intensity:the case study of S 1-amino,2-propanol’, J. Spectroscopy and Dynamics,4,11-16 (2014)
[134] Guozhen Wu and Peijie Wang, ‘Stereo-structural implication by the differential bond polarizability: the ROA intensity study of chiral S 2-amino 1-propanol” , Chirality,26,255-259 (2014)
[135] Shen Hong-Xia, Wu Guo-Zhen, Wang Pei-Jie,‘Intra-molecular enantiomerism in R-Limonene as evidenced by the differential bond polarizabilities’,Spectrochim.Acta, Part A128 838-843 (2014)