报告题目:Exploration of the Higgs boson and the Physics case for the Large Hadron Electron Collider
报 告 人:Bruce Mellado,Department of Physics at University of the Witwatersrand
报告摘要:With the discovery of a Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider a new era in particle physics has started. The Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) is a proposed facility which will exploit the LHC beams for electron-proton scattering, using a new 60 GeV electron accelerator. The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is a proposed facility at CERN to provide 50 TeV protons which may be combined with either up to 175 GeV electrons from an electron ring in a new tunnel or with the LHeC ERL installation. A striking Higgs physics program exists for both the LHeC and the FCC-he. The LHeC gives a unique access to the WW-H and ZZ-H production modes and to various decay channels, as into bbar, ccbar and di-tau, which are difficult to study precisely at the LHC in pp scattering. In the further future, the FCC-he promises access to the ttH and H-HH channels with significant precision under evaluation. This talk presents progress in the study directed to Higgs physics in ep, including couplings, CP properties and different H related distributions. The status of the project is summarized and its complementary with other future facilities is reviewed.