
Xi Tong:Chemical-Potential-Assisted Particle Production in FRW Spacetimes

2021-08-23    点击:

Title:Chemical-Potential-Assisted Particle Production in FRW Spacetimes

Speaker:Xi Tong (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Time:2:00pm, Aug. 24, 2021

Location:New science building (理科楼) B406

Tencent meeting (腾讯会议): 770 363 988

Abstract:We analyze gravitational particle production assisted by chemical potential. By utilizing the uniformly smoothed Stokes-line method and Borel summation, we gain insight into the fine-grained history of enhanced particle production. Analytic/semi-analytic formulae describing the production amount, time and width are obtained for both spin-1 and spin-1/2 particles in various FRW spacetimes. Our work also serves as a concrete demonstration of the uniformly smoothed Stokes-line method applied to cosmology.

Bio:Mr. Tong obtained his bachelor’s degree (2018) from the University of Science and Technology of China. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree in The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, under the supervision of Prof. WANG Yi and Prof. Andrew COHEN. His research interests include particle cosmology and quantum field theory. Recently he is working on the physics of particles in the early universe such as cosmological collider physics, primordial non-Gaussianities and gravitational particle production. He is also interested in black hole topics ranging from constructing primordial black hole models to probing ultralight bosons via black hole superradiance.