
王冲:Engineering quantum magnetic materials

2023-02-05    点击:

标题: Engineering quantum magnetic materials

报告人:王冲 美国华盛顿大学


腾讯会议ID: 162-440-504

摘要: Magnets play a vital role in modern technology. Ferromagnets, for example, use collective aligned spins in magnetic domains to store information. But if neighboring spins are allowed to point in different directions, many new possibilities arise. This talk will explore three interconnected stories about magnetic materials, emphasizing the role of quantum engineering in magnetism and its potential applications. I will highlight the potential of antiferromagnets, which have vastly different physical properties from ferromagnets, and show how they can benefit from nonlinear electron transport in various applications. I will also show that magnetic textures, typically arising from the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, can also be induced by magnetoelastic coupling or stacking variance. These textures possess novel dynamics, either reflected in their accessibility to a spin model description or manifested in their unique magnon structure.
