
Da-Wei Wang:Observing the quantum topology of light

2023-03-13    点击:

Title:Observing the quantum topology of light

Speaker:Da-Wei Wang,School of Physics, Zhejiang University

Time:2023-03-15 10:00am

Loacation: Peili Seminar Rooom

Abstract: Topological photonics provides a powerful platform to explore topological physics beyond traditional electronic materials and shows promising applications in light transport and lasers. Classical degrees of freedom are routinely used to construct topological light modes in real or synthetic dimensions. Beyond the classical topology, the inherent quantum nature of light provides a wealth of fundamentally distinct topological states [1]. In this talk I will introduce the experiment on topological states of quantized light in a superconducting circuit, with which one- and two-dimensional Fock-state lattices (FSLs) are constructed [2]. We realize rich topological physics including topological zero-energy states of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, strain-induced pseudo-Landau levels, valley Hall effect, and Haldane chiral edge currents. Our study extends the topological states of light to the quantum regime, bridging topological phases of condensed-matter physics with circuit quantum electrodynamics, and offers a freedom in controlling the quantum states of multiple resonators, which has promising applications in quantum information processing [3].

About the speaker: Da-Wei Wang is currently an Assistant Professor at Zhejiang University. He obtained his PhD degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012. Before he joined Zhejiang University in 2017, he was Research Associate Professor at Texas A&M University. Prof. Wang's research focuses on the quantum simulation and quantum control in atom-photon coupled systems, such as in superradiance lattices and superconducting circuits. He theoretically proposed and experimentally observed novel topological phenomena in room-temperature atoms and the quantum topological states of light in a superconducting circuit. He also synthesized several many-body interactions in superconducting circuits, including DM interaction, chiral spin interaction and three-, four- and five-body spin exchange interactions. He published more than 60 papers, including 2 Science, 1 Nature Physics, 14 PRL papers, and was supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China and Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China.