报告题目:Opportunities in Two-dimensional Material Research
报 告 人:张远波 复旦大学
报告时间:2024年6月6日 16:00
报告摘要:Two-dimensional (2D) atomic crystals, best exemplified by graphene, have emerged as a new class of material that may impact future science and technology. From a material physicist's point of view, 2D materials provide vast opportunities on two fronts. First, the reduced dimensionality in these 2D crystals often leads to novel material properties that are different from those in the bulk. Second, the entire 2D crystal is a surface, so it is possible to have better control of their material properties with external perturbations. In this talk I will illustrate these two points with examples. In particular, few-layer MnBi2Te4 is an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator, and its superior material quality has recently enabled us to observe the quantum anomalous Hall effect; we are also able to exfoliate high temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d down to monolayer. We explore their electronic properties while the doping and dimensionality of the 2D systems are modulated.
报告人简介:Yuanbo Zhang obtained his Bachelor's degree from Peking University in 2000 and completed his PhD in Physics at Columbia University in 2006. He served as a Miller Research Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, from September 2006 to June 2009, and later worked as a postdoc research associate at IBM Almaden Research Center from March 2010 to September 2010. Since 2011, Yuanbo Zhang has been a professor at Fudan University. His research focuses on electronic transport in two-dimensional materials, and he also utilizes a scanning tunneling microscope to probe these materials at the atomic scale.