
物理系colloquium:Heavy quark symmetries and exotic hadrons

2024-10-29    点击:

报告题目:Heavy quark symmetries and exotic hadrons

报 告 人:郭奉坤,中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员



内容摘要Several important discoveries in hadron physics were made in 2003. New particles, including the X(3872) and two positive-parity charm-strange mesons, were observed for the first time. These discoveries sparked a renaissance of hadron spectroscopy that had led to the invention of quark model. Since then, numerous new hadron resonances, particularly those involving heavy quarks, have been observed. Many of these resonances exhibit properties in conflict with the expectations from the conventional quark model, making them strong candidates for exotic hadrons. In this talk, I will discuss approximate heavy quark symmetries and demonstrate how they can be applied to make model-independent predictions for exotic hadrons containing heavy quarks.

报告人简介:郭奉坤,中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员。1998-2002年就读于山东大学物理学院,2007年在中国科学院高能物理研究所获得博士学位,随后在德国于利希研究中心以及波恩大学从事博士后研究并担任课题负责人,2015年加入中国科学院理论物理研究所。担任 HADRON, Chiral Dynamics, Erice 核物理讲习班等国际会议的国际顾问委员会成员,PANDA 实验理论顾问组成员。2021年获国家级人才基金支持。主要从事非微扰强相互作用相关的研究工作。在 Phys. Rev. Lett. (15 篇)、Rev. Mod. Phys. (1篇)等期刊发表学术论文百余篇。近年来代表工作包括:发现重强子谱中近阈结构与 S 波吸引相关的规律;提出利用三角奇点精确测量近阈粒子束缚能的方法,与传统方法相比可大幅提高测量精度;系统发展了重轻介子低能散射的理论,对正宇称粲介子的数个疑难同时给出自然的解释等。