Title:Creation of ultracold tetratomic molecules from a Fermi gas of microwave-shielded polar molecules
Time: 15:00 pm, 2023-8-5 Saturday
Location: Room C302, Science Building, Tsinghua University
Abstract:Stable molecular Fermi gases with strong dipolar interactions provide unique opportunities for studying exotic quantum matter such as p-wave superfluidity and extended Fermi-Hubbard models. I will first show our endeavors in understanding and controlling collisions of ultracold molecules, which eventually allow us to stabilize the molecular gas by microwave shielding. This technique enables the evaporation of polar molecules to temperatures well below the Fermi temperature. The intermolecular potential can be flexibly tuned by the microwave field, allowing us to observe field-linked resonances in collisions of polar molecules. It provides a universal tuning knob to independently cntrol the dipolar interaction and contact interaction. In the end, I will present the creation of ultracold fieldlinked tetratomic molecules by electroassociation in a degenerate Fermi gas of microwaveshielded polar molecules. Additionally, I will discuss several exciting new possibilities associated with these field-linked molecules.
Brief CV:罗鑫宇,于2013年在中国科学院物理研究所获得博士学位。2013年至2016年在清华大学尤力和郑盟锟组从事博士后研究工作。2016年他加入马普量子光学所的Immanuel Bloch组从事博士后研究工作。自2018年起,他开始领导马普量子光学所的钠钾极性分子实验室。他的研究致力于理解和控制极性分子的超冷碰撞,以制备费米简并的极性分子气体,从而研究强偶极相互作用的量子多体系统。他在超冷极性分子实验领域的代表性工作包括:用微波屏蔽稳定了极性分子的碰撞,并在三维空间将分子气体蒸发冷却到了量子简并状态;观测到极性分子的场连接共振现象;成功制备了100 纳开尔文的超冷四原子分子气体。他在Science,Nature,Nature. Physics,PRL等杂志上发表20余篇文章。